‘Maximising on available time to get more results’ is one of the mantras of today’s generation. Living on the edge and performing 24/7 seems to be an exciting concept but in reality, does multitasking really works? does it bring in the desired outcome? Do people achieve extraordinary results?
Multitasking is the ability to perform more than one task at a time; like, while driving to work you simultaneously answer phone calls, eat a sandwich, browse through the headline in the newspaper and even listen to music on the radio!
At the office, you juggle email, phone calls, queries from colleagues, meet with vendors and manager administrative work, simultaneously. Once you are home you watch your favourite TV show, prepare for a business presentation, reply to a few text messages on your phone, assist your child with his homework and eat your dinner alongside.
On introspection, you may be satisfied with the number of tasks that you attending, but spare a thought to the anxiety it generates, the mental and physical stress it causes, the risks you took on the road, the insensitive approach in dealing with your child and the countless number of things that just happened mechanically.
The bigger danger is that once you are bitten by the multitasking bug you unknowingly allow it to creep into all aspects of your professional and personal life. In the beginning, you might be excited by your ability to manage multiple tasks poor productivity and eventual burnout.
While it is ok to perform a few administrative tasks simultaneously, most other jobs require focus and consentaneously, to obtain results. Evaluate your work day and identify its most productive time blocks. Now dedicate this time slot to complete important jobs, minimise or avoid distractions in the form of emails, SMS and phone calls. Stay focused on one job, complete it and then move to the next one.
You need to make a conscious choice to spend quality time with people at work and at home. The advantage of this choice is many. For instance, you may find ways to delegate or even dump a few unimportant tasks, you will be able to obtain better results on jobs of importantly, you will be peace with your self and enjoy work. Health and happiness will set in nature and most importantly. You will be safe and sound with people who matter.
In conclusion, understand the fact that only the computer was meant to multitask. The human brain might be similar to a computer, but it is not a machine and was hence not meant to perform multiple tasks at one time. Multitasking is a state of constant, self-induced distraction that results in extreme consequences to human and culture well-being.

Author's Bio: 

Rahul Kapoor ’s work as a columnist was published in the form of a book Work Wise – Lessons in Excellence for Young Professionals in 2010
Dad & I - Inspiring Stories for Young Teens was published in 2015