Prostatitis is a common disease of the male reproductive system. Generally, for bacterial prostatitis, bacterial culture and drug sensitivity tests should be done in a clinic to suit the medicine to the case. For example, quinolones are effective in hemolytic streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus. Macrocyclic lipids and tetracyclines are effective against mycoplasma and chlamydia.

Because of the location of the prostate, antibiotics are not so effective on chronic prostatitis. Under the effects of channel ushering drug, herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can penetrate the prostate membrane. Its effective concentration can directly reach the lesion site, which can fundamentally eliminate the inflammation of the genitourinary tract and restore the normal prostate function. It relieves discomfort in reproductive and urinary organs.

Besides drug treatment, can rape pollen also treat prostatitis? Let's see the functions of rape pollen.

1、 Enhance immunity

Rape pollen has the effect of enhancing immunity. It can activate macrophages and enhance the phagocytosis ability of macrophages due to the rich pollen polysaccharide in rape pollen. At the same time, the flavonoids in it can improve the specific and non-specific immune ability of the human body. Besides, the vitamin and mineral rich in it can also accelerate the production of antibodies and delay the anti-tumor The disappearance of the body.

2、 Regulating gastrointestinal tract

Rape pollen has the effect of regulating the gastrointestinal tract, which benefits from the natural antibacterial substances rich in rape pollen, which can inhibit and kill a variety of harmful gastrointestinal bacteria. Simultaneously, active substances such as vitamins and enzymes in rape pollen can improve gastrointestinal function and promote the normal secretion of gastric acid. In addition, the dietary fiber rich in rape pollen also has the role of promoting gastrointestinal motility and defecation detoxification.

3、 Lowering blood lipid and lowering blood pressure

Rape pollen has the effect of reducing blood lipid and reducing blood pressure, which is because the flavonoids in rape pollen can reduce blood lipids, relax blood vessels, and improve vascular permeability. Meanwhile, the rich vitamins and minerals in rape pollen can soften and expand blood vessels and remove the deposits on the inner wall of blood vessels. In addition, the active substances rich in rape pollen can also reduce the fragility of blood vessels and inhibit them from Arteriosclerosis.

4、 Disease prevention

Rape pollen has the effect of disease prevention, thanks to the rich nutrients in rape pollen, which can improve the nutritional status of the human body and enhance the disease resistance of the human body. At the same time, the proline and indoleacetic acid in rape pollen can effectively prevent prostatitis and other prostate diseases. In addition, the active substances rich in rape pollen can also regulate endocrine and prevent endocrine disorders of the illness.

5、 Delay aging

Rape pollen has the effect of delaying aging, which is due to the rich nutrients in rape pollen, which can provide a lot of nutrition and improve the metabolic function of the human body. At the same time, the flavonoids in rape pollen can enhance the activity of antioxidant enzymes in the human body and inhibit the oxidation of free radicals. In addition, rape pollen rich in vitamins can also improve cell function and delay human aging .

Although rape pollen has many benefits, if you have diagnosed prostatitis, you still need medication. What's more, after suffering from chronic prostatitis, men should not only cooperate with the doctor's treatment but also adjust their own mentality to maintain a hopeful heart. 

Besides, patients need to develop good drinking habits and avoid spicy food. In daily life, appropriate physical exercise can be carried out to promote and improve blood circulation, and at the same time, enhance the body's ability to resist bacteria and viruses.

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