Just sharing a few uplifting thoughts from my studies and notes (as well as my in depth discussions with my good friend, "The Prophet and Prayer-Warrior"
Introduction: The Prophets, Haggai , Zechariah and Malachai all inspired a proper (and positive) attitude in worship. God's Infinite Love prepares hearts for a true relationship with God.

Re-order your priorities in line with God's will. What has God told you to do? Put all else aside and obey Him.
The basic theme is to GET STARTED and NEVER QUIT! Haggai motivated and encouraged the people to believe in themselves and build the temple. Postponing difficult decisions is the direct result of a lack of faith ! The people must first build the temple before God can bless their efforts.
Place God first and Haggai says God will bring joy and prosperity to His people.
The book of Zechariah has been relevant to people during every age.
Purpose: To give hope to God's people by revealing God's future deliverance through the Messiah
Here is the basic message of Zecharia...
Look beyond your present circumstances to the future by developing a positive, worshipful attitude to God. The Prophet reminded the people that God had a plan for their future in the coming of the Messiah and the Messiah will bring salvation. Through building on the spiritual quality of people's lives, God promised to work miraculous events for His people. Zechariah, the Prophet gave people hope and a vision to trust God and see a bright future, as they planned ahead. So prepare well, dream big, announce your intentions and put in the hard work to make your dreams , your vision come to fruition. Zachariah taught that through people did not know what the future held in store for them, men and women of faith knew the God, who knew the future.
God has a plan for the world... but God also has a plan for each ONE of us
The book of Malachai forms a bridge between the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Purpose: To confront the people with their sins and to restore their relationship with God.
Malachai sought to bring the people back to God, encouraging them to shed the pagan lifestyle they had adopted whilst in exile. The people were ignorant as to how they were to worship God and their lifestyles revealed a lack of trust in God's ability to provide for their needs.
Key word: Messenger Malachai reminds the people of a day of reckoning when God judges the righteous and the wicked. But he also reminds the people that a messenger will come and redemption will follow.
Malachai concludes with a promise of the coming of the prophet Elijah, who will offer God's forgiveness to all people through forgiveness and faith (4:5,6). God's Infinite Love prepares hearts for a true relationship with God.
Our lives can be a living message of God's positive love and joy.
God has a plan for the world... but God also has a plan for each ONE of us!

"Prepare the way of the Lord." - Matthew 3:3

Shared by craig from extracts sourced from the New Possibilities Thinkers Bible by Paul D Dunn and Robert H Schuller (published by Thomas Nelson) and The Life Application Bible (published by Tyndale House, Inc, Il) *

Another extract...

Sourced from:

The Book of Malachi"A vase shatters, brushed by a careless elbow; a toy breaks, pushed beyond its limit by young fingers; and fabric rips, pulled by strong and angry hands. Spills and rips take time to clean up or repair and money to replace, but far more costly are shattered relationships. Unfaithfulness, un-truths, hateful words, and forsaken vows tear delicate personal bonds and inflict wounds not easily healed. Most tragic, however, a broken relationships with God.

God loves perfectly and completely. And his love is a love of action--giving, guiding, and guarding. He is altogether faithful, true to his promise to his chosen people. but consistently they spurn their loving God, breaking the covenant, following other gods, and living for themselves. So the relationship is shattered.
But the breach is not irreparable; all hope is not lost. God can heal and mend and reweave the fabric. Forgiveness is available. And that is grace.
Malachi paints a stunning picture of Israel's unfaithfulness that clearly shows them to be worthy of punishment, but woven throughout this message is HOPE--the possibility of forgiveness . This is beautifully expressed in 4:2 --"But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall."
Malachi concludes with a promise of the coming of the "the prophet Elijah," who will offer God's forgiveness to all people through repentance and faith (4:5,6).
The book of Malachi forms a bridge between the Old Testament and the New Testament. As you read Malachi, see yourself as the recipient of this word of God to his people. Evaluate the depth of your commitment, the sincerity of your worship, and the direction of your life. Then allow god to restore your relationship with him through his love and forgiveness ." Malachi closes his messages by pointing to that great final day of judgment. For those who are committed to God, judgment day will be a day of joy because it will usher in eternity in God's presence. Those who have ignored God will be "stubble," to be burned up (4:1). To help the people prepare for that day of judgment, God would send a prophet like Elijah (John the Baptist), who would prepare the way for Jesus, the Messiah. The New Testament beings with this prophet calling the people to turn from their sins and to turn toward god. Such a commitment to God demands great sacrifice on our part, but we can be sure it will be worth it all in the end.

Life Application Bible Study Bible; The Book of Malachi page 1627 & notes on page 1633, NIV version, Zondervan Press
Sourced from:

Shared by craig

"I'm just a pencil in the hands of God." - Mother Teresa

God IS blessing you

"What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God."

"Together, one mind, one life at a time, let's see how many people we can impact, empower , uplift, encourage ... and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials."

THIS PIECE MAY BE FREELY PUBLISHED (with acknowledgement to the sources, thanks)

Author's Bio: 

About the submitter:Craig believes in (and loves) sharing information and insights to try to make a difference in this world: to help and especially encourage people along life's magical journey ... and that brings him the greatest joy. In his life mission Craig hopes to help, encourage, motivate, uplift and perhaps even inspire people to be their best through realising their full potentials. His dream is seeing people reach for and perhaps even achieve their wildest dreams.

The various books that Craig "felt inspired to write" are available at: and

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The submitter's blog (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) is at and

"Together, one mind, one life at a time, let's see how many people we can impact, empower, uplift, encourage ... and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials."