Everyday I take hundreds of different types of action. Some little –some big. I find that the “in limbo” state of not knowing what to do often gets in the way and keeps me stuck. I used to play different scenarios in my head of which way I want to go. I got really tired of doing things that way and came up with a sure fired way to make decisions to get me into action. Especially, being known as an expert of “busting through procrastination”, I realized that this “in limbo” place was a problem and had to go!

Entrepreneurs often go “in limbo”, too. Or, the adjective that pops up to describe their behavior is often “avoidance”. That’s often because no one wants to make a bad decision. The problem with that thinking is that there are no guarantees – ever. Even companies that promise your “money back” or to replace something if it doesn’t last still isn’t guaranteeing that you will have it forever (and truthfully, who knows if you’d want it forever).

So, back to making the “right” decision and getting into action. A lot of entrepreneurs have the “perfectionist” trait and they don’t want to go down the wrong path. They don’t want to waste time/energy/money and they don’t want to look foolish. The problem is by not doing anything and avoiding the decision, they’re wasting time and energy thinking about it and losing money by not taking action.

What I’ve found has helped both my clients and myself move through the decision-making process is:

A) First, ask yourself these questions:
1. Will this help me reach my goals/desires?2. Is this aligned with my values?
3. Does taking this action honor me?

If you get all “yeses” than you can proceed ahead to the next part.

B) Do you have enough information to move forward? If not, what information do you need to make a good decision? (be reasonable here as you don’t want to spend hours upon hours researching each decision. Sometimes all you need is the answer to a question).

If you have the information you need, you should be ready to say “yes”.

C) If you still feel unsure about this decision, ask yourself the following:
1). What is my intuition telling me?
2) Is there a “block” or “belief” holding me back

What I often find is people can get really stuck in this “belief/block” area. They tell themselves all sorts of reasons why they can’t do something.

Things like:
- Who am I to do that
- I could never do that
- I’m too new to do that
- I don’t know how to do that
- I don’t want to bother my tribe
- My tribe wouldn’t like that
- They can’t afford it
- And on and on and on….

This list could go on forever. I realize you do believe these things right now and they’re your truth right now. But, as some point you need to decide if you want to keep those beliefs or change them. Are those beliefs still serving you?

Things are a lot sunnier on the other side of the road. I hope you’ll join me over here on your transformational journey. If you’d like to learn more about what beliefs are in the way of your success, apply for a complimentary Discovery Session – http://www.tinyurl.com/discoveryKate

Author's Bio: 

Kate Beeders is an internationally known Success Coach, specializing in helping heart-centered Entrepreneurs make more money FAST! She has developed a powerful technique called the Success Activator System TM which combines her 3 areas of expertise: Business Development, Tapping and Laws of Attraction. This system helps her clients have success on their own terms - becoming bigger, bolder and better! - they attract more clients, more opportunities, more money and develop more self-confidence. This technique helped Kate increase her own income to over 6-figures very quickly and helps her clients make more money quickly, too. Many have doubled their income in a very short time!

As a highly sought after Transformational Leader, Kate frequently speaks at large events. She was a featured presenter for the 2011 and 2012 Tapping World Summit, (with a total of over 825,000 listeners worldwide). Her radio show “Tapping to Success” features internationally known experts. Kate was recently acknowledged by a New York Times & Hay House best-selling author in her latest book about the Laws of Attraction. She was also featured on Boston's Top Radio Station "Exceptional Women" Radio Series.

To get your BRAND NEW FREE MINI VIDEO SERIES: "Stop Procrastinating: 3 Keys to Mastering the Business & Financial Success of Your Dreams", please click here - http://www.KateBeeders.com