"The economy has really hit me hard," Marilyn told me. "I just don't know what I'm going to do. I work so hard, but I don't seem to be getting where I want to go."
As we worked together in releasing her fears, I realized that the challenge she was struggling with is the same thing many spiritual, heart-centered entrepreneurs are struggling with. And then I thought about the number of spiritual entrepreneurs who have not only survived this economic experience, but thrived.
Spiritual entrepreneurs have been called upon to bring forth their gifts to the world, but they often get caught up in the challenge of just "how" to do it. In addition, they have some very clear challenges that many other business owners and entrepreneurs do not have. These challenges can hinder them significantly.
And yet, some have completely thrived in this economy, creating six- and seven-figure incomes. (And I personally know of several who have created 8-figure incomes!) In my mind, that completely diffuses the power of the "It's the economy" reason.
So, what's the difference?
As I pondered these two opposite ends of the spectrum, I realized that there weren't many distinctions at all. Just three, as a matter of fact. But the differences are significant.
1. Trust
The spiritual entrepreneurs who have thrived have trusted themselves, trusted their intuition , and trusted the Divine to show them the way. They have followed -- and acted upon -- their intuitive "hits". They realized that they were being led by Spirit to their right path and they trusted this guidance. I want to emphasize here that they acted upon their intuitive hits. They followed their guidance. And they trusted.
I work with a number of entrepreneurs who receive guidance, but they don't act on it. They just don't realize how important it is for them to follow through on what they receive. One of their biggest challenges is trusting themselves.
2. Belief
The spiritual entrepreneurs who have done exceedingly well believe that it's okay for them to make money doing spiritual work. This is a toughie for many spiritual people in business: there is a deep belief for so many of them that says something like, "If I'm offering spiritual work to the world, I shouldn't charge money for it (or at least, not very much money)." This belief must be challenged and released if you are going to allow yourself to receive abundance from your work.
This belief is old, it's deep, and it's powerful, but it can be released. Spiritual entrepreneurs deserve to experience abundance in their lives, just like any other entrepreneur. As Abraham of Abraham-Hicks says, "You can't make someone well by getting sick and giving them your wellness. And you cannot make someone rich by being poor. The Law of Attraction simply does not work that way."
3. Deserving
The spiritual entrepreneurs I know who are doing very well have done this one very uncomfortable thing: they've invested in themselves. They've invested in a coach and in trainings to help them move through their blocks, and to organize their work into a marketable form. Everyone I know who has done this has seen an incredible return on their investment.
Can you be successful as a spiritual entrepreneur without trusting your intuition, believing that you can have abundance from your work, and knowing that you deserve to invest in yourself? I doubt it very seriously. If you don't trust your intuition enough to act upon the guidance, and if you don't believe you can charge a fair price for your work, your energy, your expertise, and for the transformations your clients experience, and if you don't invest in yourself (read that: believe in yourself enough to invest), then you are leaving money on the table, and will continue to struggle to build your business and to pay your bills.
And what's spiritual about that?
When you believe in yourself and take action, you then create things you never dreamed possible. And a successful, abundant business and lifestyle is just one of them.
Your Action Steps:
1. Look to see where you are right now. Do you trust and act on your guidance, or do you ignore the intuitive hits you receive? Do you believe you are worthy of decent remuneration (read: exchange of energy) for your gifts, for the transformation you offer, for the healing for which you are the catalyst, or do you think poverty is the lot of a spiritual entrepreneur ? Do you think you deserve to do better and are therefore willing to take the risk to invest in yourself and in your business, or do you think that you don't deserve to spend money on yourself?
2. Decide right now to make different choices. Trust yourself and your guidance, and then take action. Believe you are worthy of fair compensation for your services and then ask for it. And choose right now to invest in yourself and in your business, by taking quality training, by signing up with a coach, by outsourcing work that others can do, etc., etc.
Why should you do these things? Because you are worth it, and your business is worth it.
Rev. Anne Presuel, Interfaith Minister, Divine Intuitive, and master energy therapist, coaches conscious, heart-centered (and often overwhelmed) entrepreneurs to tune into their own 6th sense while building 6-figure businesses. Her approach uses Law of Attraction principles, affirmations, and subtle energy techniques (EFT). Get your FREE "Activate Your Intuition Now!" Kit at http://DivinelyIntuitiveBusiness.com .