A pre-chat survey is a set of short questions that is devised to increase the customers’ convenience through live chat assistance. It is a way of catalyzing the query resolution process and provide an exceptional customer experience. Here’s all that a pre-chat survey does for you:

Filters the website visitors:Not all the website visitors are there to make a purchase on your site. Some of them may be browsing and others may be there comparing some products or services. So, how do you differentiate the serious buyers from the casual surfers? The answer is- Through a pre-chat survey. Serious buyers will actually go through the process of filling the survey, while the bullies will simply leave, thus, making it easy for you to filter them.

Simplifies customer management:
In addition to filtering serious buyers from bullies, a pre-chat survey also helps in customer management. However, that will require you to design such questions that can provide you the required as well as some additional information about the visitor. You can also add options that enable customers to select particular department they want to reach.

Improves first contact resolution:You can easily route a customer to the desired department when you have a plethora of information about him/her. In other words, a pre-chat survey enables customer segmentation in the best possible manner. It further enables you to route them to the relevant operators, thus, increasing the chances of first contact resolution.

Boosts customer satisfaction:A pre-chat survey takes your live chat assistance to a higher level with customer segmentation, chat routing and hastened query resolution. This tailored approach helps address all the customer concerns in real time. As a result, customer satisfaction levels are boosted like magic!

Have you put up a pre-chat survey on your website? If not, then hurry up!

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