Skin moles are, in truth, common lesions on the skin. You need not fear, that these moles can be cancerous. More often, moles are benign in nature. It is rare that abnormal changes in the moles' color, shape and size can be traced to cancer.

Don't immediately go frantic with worry, until you had a doctor check it out. The skin moles can be in the form of freckles or skin tags. They could be benign lenities or keratosis in other cases. It doesn't matter that moles are as diverse as they come, they can be easily dealt with using many mole removal methods.

What can explain the presence of moles?

Moles normally spring from cell formation abnormalities on the skin. If the cells are aligned in such a way that they have enough space to themselves, moles would not be formed. If the cells are tightly packed together, moles are even quicker to develop. When melanocyte cells are concentrated in a single area on the skin, moles are formed. Melanocytes are the ones responsible for skin pigmentation. Without melanocytes, you will not get your skin color. A certain amount of apprehension is attached to the mole's color.

Is it possible for moles to change colors?

Some pregnant women can attribute the darkening color of their moles to hormones. Too much exposure to the sun can also cause darkening. The color of your moles can also change with any hormonal variations in your body. Those who are in their teens, will most likely go through these changes in mole color.

Congenital moles are those that have already appeared at birth. Being permanent, congenital moles do not fade away with the passage of time. One out of a hundred people has this congenital mole. The possibility of turning into a cancerous mole is greater with congenital moles rather than moles that are formed after birth. Skin cancer is a possibility. When melanoma is a possibility in a mole, go to a skin specialist. If it is greater than 7mm, a doctor would be necessary.

You should also know about dyplastic moles. Unlike the other regular types of moles, dyplastic moles are greater in size. They do not have a shape. You can easily tell them apart from others because of their irregular shape and size. Anyone who has them can have dozens and dozens of them in all parts of their body. They are more likely to be afflicted with cancer than the people with congenital moles.

Whenever there is a small change in the size of the mole or its shape or color, it is better to report this condition to a doctor

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