1 Month Payday Loans also touted as 30 days payday loans which are specifically meant for folks stuck with one or the other short term unforeseen financial crisis. They can apply for the loan via online lending institutes portals as well which caters to the borrowers on a large scale and with their best efforts they try hard to offer them loan on the lowest interest rates. Though the 1 month payday loan is a short term loan generally the interest rate is higher on such loans but if you thoroughly research the online financial market you can then very easily save your hard earned money by finding the lender with the lowest interest rate charging on 1 month payday loans.

Normally payday loans are provided till your next payday comes and the amount that is provided to you is generally a small amount up to £1000. The borrower has to repay this loan amount till his next payday arrives or with in two weeks as per the loan agreement. Getting loan is no more a tedious and tiring activity as now the borrower can easily avail it from online lending institutes. As payday loans are short term loans usually the lenders charge a higher rate of interest so that they can cover the risk of uncertainty of loosing loan amount offered by them. The main advantage of this loan is this only that no matters how your credit history was because they do not take in to account the credit checks. So if you have bad credit in past even then you can apply for the loan very easily and can avail it in just few hours.

To avail the loan it is mandatory for the borrower to qualify certain criteria in order to assure the lender that you are capable to repay back the loan amount with in stipulated period of time. The first prerequisite is that the borrower must be the resident of UK only with the age above 18 years. To show your repaying capabilities you must be employed by a reputed employer with a income of more than £1000 and must be employed from past six months with an active bank account.

Author's Bio: 

Stephen Pilgrim is financial adviser with Same Day Payday UK. Stephen publishes informative articles about 1 month payday loans , pounds till payday and more.