Search engine optimization or SEO is the way of improving the prominence of a website for the public in search engines. The earlier and the more frequently the site comes on the search list; the more visitors it will get from its users. SEO Services focuses on many kinds of search, which includes image search, local search, video, news, educational and medical search. It uses the internet market tactic to research on the article people search for, the main search terms and the search engine which is more popular. This service uses tactics by promoting a site to increase the backlinks. Consultants perform optimization projects for their clients, while employees perform this service in the office itself.
Web Development is another part of the internet where the work includes developing a web site for it. The work which is done is web design, web content development, web server, network security, configuration and developing e-commerce. The range of work starts from the plain text in a single page to complicated web-based internet applications.
All the big corporate and businesses have their own team of web developers and it will in quite a large number. But the smaller firms usually have one in the form of a graphic designer or information technician. Sometimes they pass it on a contract basis.
The web development is considered to be the fastest growing industry in the world today; on top of that the cost of a website development has decreased significantly. It also has moved to a new era in the internet communication where it is not just a tool for work but used mainly for communication. Some of the websites used for communications are Facebook, Twitter and Orkut. The high numbers of advertisements through is changing e-commerce too.
Website development is the way to convey a text to the end user through the World Wide Web using web related software to show the display on the internet. The development of the web formation, including the page and the layout is designed by it. As the others the audience is the main target when developing a website and their choice will allow for a website to be created effectively.

Author's Bio: is the best Seo Services , website development and Web Development provider company in Australia.