Self Help Daily

We need it. Just like we need some fruits and veggies, we need a dose of self help daily. You should not go a day without it.

Self help daily will keep you at peace and in positive emotional state of mind.

If you internalize many negative things. If you feel a little down, off or over emotional about small things. Starting a self help daily regimen will change all of that! The same things that would normally effect you, won't. You will be at ease, more in aliment of what you truly want. Even more creative, more open and more giving.

You will no longer make mountains of a molehills.

You will walk away from confrontations and they no longer sit in your mind. People say don't let someone rent space in your mind. But let me ask you, how easy is that to do? Let me tell you this- giving yourself a dose of self help daily will change that.

How, you ask?

There is a saying:

An American Indian elder described his own inner struggles this way: "Inside of me there two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all the time." When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied, "The one I feed the most."

See, what is going on inside of us is what we feed ourselves. What is going outside ourselves is a reflection on how we feel. When you are at a positive state of mind more things just roll of your back.

Now, how much time throughout your day you are focusing or feed yourself something negative? Feeding yourself something negative can be the TV shows you watch. Like the News or reality shows both are shows are based on drama or shocking events that will put you in a negative state of mind.

Focusing on negatives is not only what you think it is what you speak about or conversation you allow yourself to entertain. Gossiping, talking about all that went wrong or what so and so did, is focusing on negatives. That will not serve you if want more positive things to happen in your life, if you want your life to FEEL good.

Self help daily is not about needing help. Its about focusing and feeding yourself something positive. It's about strengthening and sharpening yourself. It's about reminding yourself of the good that is in you and outside you.

What you feed yourself you become more of. When you become a more positive powerful person more positive things happen. That is the law of attraction . What you put out, you get back. But remember what you put in, you put out.

Author's Bio: 

Saba Teklegiorgis is a Best Selling Author, Internet Marketer, Ghost Writer, Columnist, and PNP (Passion & Purpose) Life Coach. She was featured in Matt Morris’s, “The Art and Science of Success” Volume 4 & 7 and has a eBook, “Changing the Face of Wisdom” available on Kindle. She is the founder of a self help blog.