“Can I ask you a few questions about your take on the Law of Attraction ?”

I was sitting in the living room of the home of Morty Lefkoe, author, speaker, belief therapist. Morty is probably the most loving man I’ve ever met. He exudes unconditional acceptance. He radiates love. If we needed to find a living Buddha, I’d offer Morty.

He’s also brilliant. After working with and for Werner Erhard during the est days, and studying directly with Ayn Rand (author of Atlas Shrugged), he went beyond them and created his own method for exploring and releasing limiting beliefs. I know his method works. I’ve had sessions with Morty off and on for more than four years.

But this time I’m in his San Francisco area home, talking about whatever comes up. I find it fascinating. I wish it had all been recorded. Morty’s stories about Werner Erhard (who was best man at Morty’s wedding and developed The Hunger Project with him), and of Objectivism creator and controversial novelist Ayn Rand (who wore dollar sign jewelry and smoked cigarettes with dollar sign labels) were riveting.

But now Morty wants to know what I really think about the Law of Attraction .

“The law is real but it’s misunderstood,” I begin. “Most people have a superficial understanding of it. Most everyone thinks if they sit and visualize what they want, that it will just happen. That’s wrong. That’s magical thinking. If you have any unconscious beliefs about what you want, those unconscious beliefs will cancel your conscious visualizing. You have to get clear of your mental interference before you can attract what you focus on.”

In other words, you attract what you un-consciously believe, not what you consciously state. The Law of Attraction matches your inner expectations.

For example, if you state you want to attract money, but unconsciously feel money isn’t spiritual or you don’t deserve good things, you will not see the money ideas around you. Your blinders will prevent it. You’ll then say the Law of Attraction doesn’t work. But it is working. You’re getting what you really believe. You have to get clear of those limiting unseen beliefs first.

That made sense to Morty. He’s worked with tens of thousands of people. When they finally see the beliefs that had been operating unknown to them, they can now see opportunities that were there all along. Now attracting what they want becomes easier.

But Morty had another question.

“What about the people who say you just think it and you don’t have to do anything, that it will just appear?”

“That’s simply not true,” I reply. “I do believe that when you state an intention and you are clear of any counter intentions, that the universe seems to rearrange itself to help you attract your intention. But things don’t just appear out of nowhere. Life is a co-creation. You usually have to do something. Action is crucial. Believing you just think it and it appears is a form of self delusion and self sabotage.”

“The common idea that human beings are born to suffer is nonsense. It is possible to fully acknowledge your pain and suffering, and then get rid of it in moments. How?

Identify the meaning you are giving events that is causing the pain and suffering, and then dissolve the meaning, thereby dissolving the pain and suffering.” – Morty Lefkoe

Again, Morty agreed. He went on to say that he used to think the Law of Attraction was hogwash. Today he feels that you can “attract” things by allowing your mind to see opportunities and then acting on them. The more you remove any limiting beliefs that filter out what you see, the more you can see the opportunities that were probably there all along.

Still, action is needed. I said people take action or not based on their beliefs. Beliefs create reality. If people don’t have hope or faith , they won’t take action. Why would they, if they felt it wasn’t going to work out? But if they clear their doubt, their action will be natural and virtually effortless.

Morty also wanted to know what I thought about Rhonda Byrne’s statement that she never promoted her famous movie, The Secret . She simply “thought it” into success.

“I love Rhonda,” I say, and I truly do. “But she’s overlooking all the marketing she did without knowing or admitting she was doing it. For example, she had two dozen experts in her film. Almost all of them have mailing lists. I know I was the very first to promote the movie to my list. Rhonda may not have done that marketing, but she put me in that movie, and I did that marketing for her. I would never have sent my email out to promote her movie had she not told me to do so.”

Morty and I spoke a lot longer. I wish I could share it all with you. Before his beautiful wife offered us dinner, we agreed to each write a blog post about our conversation. This is mine. I haven’t seen his yet, and he hasn’t seen mine, as we are posting our articles on the same day. (This ought to be interesting.)

You can read his at http://www.mortylefkoe.com or by clicking right here.

PS – Imagine money coming to you easily…Imagine buying what you want for yourself and others…Imagine helping family, friends and causes you believe in…Imagine looking at your bank account and seeing a LOT of money there…and you’re beaming with joy and feeling happy and secure…Now make it all a reality right now by going to – http://www.moneyvibrationaudio.com/

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Joe Vitale is the star of the hit movie, "The Secret." He is also the author of way too many bestselling books to mention here. To name a few: The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits and his latest, Attract Money Now. He's also recorded many Nightingale Conant audio programs, and most recently, "The Abundance Paradigm." He also created a Miracles Coaching program and much more! For more information on Joe Vitale, go to: http://www.mrfire.com