Anyone expecting to see great results from using a generic resume for their job search is setting themselves up for a big disappointment.

Employers, recruiters, hiring managers, and HR personnel are not seeking "general" candidates to come in for interviews, they are looking for candidates who know what skills they have to offer and where they can best fit into a company.

Focus in a resume is very important. Unfortunately, many job seekers are under the impression that it's a good thing to have a generic resume because they can cover a lot of ground when in fact, this is definitely not the case.

It's very easy for people to find and fill out a resume template, which is why many people opt to use it. Looking for work is a job in itself and if not taken seriously, it will result in a long, stressful, and drawn out job search that will be a big disappointment in end.

Your resume should "tell me about you" and go beyond a laundry list of duties and responsibilities, which a generic resume pretty much offers. It is NOT the way to go if you want to stand out or grab the attention of potential employers, recruiters, hiring managers, and HR personnel.

* Make certain your resume is an achievement-based resume allowing it to reveal your areas of expertise, leadership skills , ability to take on challenges and succeed, as well as any other trait or quality you want potential employers to know about you.

* Don't skimp when it comes to your resume. Commit to due diligence when it comes to writing your resume. You get out of it what you put into it.

* If you need help with your resume, get it. Take advantage of what's available to you online and get advice from resume writing experts.

* BE CAREFUL when viewing resume samples online or looking at a friend's resume to get your creative juices flowing. All resumes are not created equal.

To bottom-line it, when writing your resume, think of yourself as the product and the employer as the buyer. Before a buyer will consider purchasing a high-end product, the product must gain their interest, establish its quality, and present its value. Once these factors are determined, they'll move to the next step - buying the product.

Now, let's put this analogy into perspective. If your resume generates interest and demonstrates your value as a qualified candidate, you've effectively sold yourself.

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Author's Bio: 

Maria Hebda, CCMC, CPRW - The Career Experts network was born out of my own commitment to bolstering a highly selective group of certified career professionals, providing rich resources for them and our audience of job seekers, and connecting the two groups with an ultimate goal of creating a successful relationship. Please visit us at !