"And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2.

IF YOU ARE GOING TO CHANGE YOUR WAY OF LIVING, YOU MUST change your way of thinking. God said, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" ( Hosea 4:6 ). I believe it is possible for us to have a right heart for God and yet to have things all wrong in our heads. And with a wrong head, we may very well live in complete defeat and lose ground in the Kingdom of God. This has nothing to do with our hearts or with our worship. Our lives can be destroyed because of ignorance. Without a knowledge of the truth, we cannot be free. (John 8:32).

Most of the battles Christians face are in the mind. The mind is the seat of all spiritual and carnal conflicts. In essence what controls your mind controls your life. You are bombarded with thoughts every day that can lead you astray and produce harm in your life. Your thoughts and emotions injected with wrong motives, bitterness, evil intentions, or negative patterns will cause turmult in your mind. You must not allow your imagination to lead you contrary to God's purpose and plan for you according to His Word. " For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace ". (Romans 8:6). Although you are engaging in daily battle, deciding between life and death ; you have the power to choose to have a spirit mind, which is connected and controlled by the Spirit of Christ.

God's Word says that we are transformed by the renewing of our mind. The Holy Spirit is the foreman of the construction site, and the Word of God is the tool used for the process. Whatever is not built on the Word of God will not last; it will not produce the promises God has guaranteed in His Word, I must rid myself of old ways of thinking and build new thought processes based on the Word of God.

The apostle Paul said, " Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth" (Colossians 3:2). To set your affection on things above means not only to seek heaven but also to think Heaven. You are to place your thought life, emotions, and will toward God. It involves the ability to see things of this world in the light of eternity.

The mind needs to be renewed daily by the Word of God. Meditate on key scriptures. Rehearsing the goodness of God and applying the blood of Christ over your memories is vital for spiritual survival. If you are going to live your life according to the thoughts of God, you will have to not only know His Word, but also obey it. We must be "doers of the Word, and not hearers only" (James 1: 22). We live the thoughts of God by incorporating them into the actions of our every day life. Keep obeying the Word, and you will eventually arrive at your goal and His promise!

Related Texts: Psalms 1:1-2; Proverbs 16:3; Isaiah 55: 8-9; Ephesians 4:23; Philippians 2:5; 4:8; Hebrews 4:12


Author's Bio: 

Mercy Abbey is a life coach, speaker, author, consultant and entrepreneur. She is gifted with a passion to inspire, empower, exhort and to equip others in discovering God's unique design for their lives. Mercy is on a mission to proclaim a message of hope, truth and wholeness as she provides practical life coaching tools that people can apply to their everyday lives to begin living out the blessings, provisions and the purpose God has for them in their lives – A true life without limits!

Mercy has over twenty years of professional experience in various environments, including nursing and business. However with each phase of her journey there was a common thread where she spent a great deal of time inspiring and empowering others. While she enjoyed and always made the best of each position, she always felt that there was a greater purpose for her. At God's appointed time she was led to leave a successful health care business she'd personally built from the ground up to do what she loves and enjoys the most, and what she knows God called her to do-- Help others.

Now she has set out to help them live their life without limits. Mercy Abbey is the founder and president of Rhema Life Without Limits and Rhema Life Coaching, both divisions of Rhema Preserve Global, LLC. As a Christian life coach known for her approachable spirit and discernment, her desire is to help others overcome life's challenges and discover a great life through Christ. Her philosophy is rooted in her own life experience and her passion for success. Mercy has personally overcome great adversities in life and she is someone you can count on to relate to the struggles you may find yourselves in. Whether you consider yourself a high profile individual or you’re the blue-collar type, Coach Mercy is ready to help you move to your next level so you can thrive and not just survive.

The word says in the book of Jeremiah 29:11-

“For I know the plans I have for you, saith the Lord. It is a plan to prosper you and not do harm to you. To give you hope and a future.”Mercy’s passion is not only to help individuals overcome their life's challenges, but also to help you to discover God's calling so that you can become motivated and inspired to achieve success! No matter your past, your struggles or your vision of life let Coach Mercy Abbey help you break through to the fullness of life that God has ordained for you, a life without Limits!

Mercy Abbey is a:

Certified Life Breakthrough coach
Certified Biblical Coach
Member of the Biblical Coaching Alliance
Member of the Christian Coaches Network
Mercy offers honesty, integrity, knowledge, faith, wisdom, sincerity, humor, inspiration, courage, strength, guidance, encouragement, motivation, empowerment, determination and a caring heart with a plan of action!

Mercy will help you to grow and mature in all areas of your life. She is passionate about helping called participants to transform their lives, tap into their greatest potential, find their life's purpose and live life to the fullest.

For more visit www.coachmercy.com