We are born in a state of pure being, ready and open to experience all that life has to offer, beautiful beings birthed from Spirit, ready to express this loving Spirit through our individual lives.
To differing degrees, simply by being on the planet, we have been exposed to or involved in some sort of drama and trauma in our lives. At any point in life, we may have experienced various levels of emotional injury - everything from hurt feelings and fear to outrageous shock and trauma. These events register in both our psyche and our body. Unless we effectively release these injuries and the subsequent messages we give to ourselves from this past, there remains a residual effect which colors our lives and future experiences, our expectations and relationships with others. Often, we do not realize how we continue to carry these past experiences around inside of us. We create messages - inner dialogue - formed from our perceptions of these experiences. We repeat these messages over and over to ourselves until we believe them to be "truth". We simply believe that this is how the world is - full of hurtful or fearful situations and people with whom one is not able to establish a trusting, open relationship. Or perhaps we internalize and personalize it differently, forming an opinion of ourselves that is less than stellar. In other words, we live in the past, creating blocks and obstacles for ourselves in the present.
How much better life could be if we simply recognize the joy and the bliss and the light which is our birthright, without carrying any additional overlay of past hurt, fear, sadness or injury? This is not to suggest living in a state of denial or unwillingness to see what we call "reality". Unpleasant and challenging things do happen in life. We know this. Rather, it is about how we choose to view what we label as "reality" and how we choose to experience and categorize the people, places and circumstances of our lives. It is about releasing the past, and moving into the present.
We are powerful spiritual Beings, with an innate ability to have deep input into the creation of our own lives, and to live in a state of love and joy every day, even in the face of formidable tasks and seemingly overwhelming challenges we may encounter from time to time. Our inner spiritual awareness and the manner in which we view our experiences truly color our perception of reality on a daily basis. Are we living from that deep conscious inner spiritual place of love and peace , or are we living as spectators through the layers of history, holding on to the past as if it were still happening?
If we find ourselves in any of the following situations, consider that the past may still be operating in our perception and our daily lives.
Do we have constant inner dialogue in which we criticize ourselves? Others?
Do we blame ourselves in a harsh and negatively judgmental way for anything?
Do we find ourselves feeling fear or anxiety (when clearly not in a life-threatening situation)?
Do we have expectations of others which we do not clearly communicate to them?
Do we expect them to meet these expectations without any knowledge, on their part, of how we feel?
Do we blame others for circumstances in which we find ourselves?
Some of the new questions that we might ask to guide ourselves in releasing the past are:
Are we consciously seeking and expressing Spirit in all we do?
Are we clear and articulate in expressing our own desires, dreams and plans?
Are we energetic and enthusiastic about manifesting these desires, dreams and plans?
How much power and responsibility do we assume for the experiences, activities and outcomes of our lives?
Are my actions, thoughts and deeds filled with the most positive energy I can imagine?
In other words, are we living free and clear, in our authentic voice, in this present moment? In truth, the present moment is actually the only "reality" we have. The past is gone; the future is merely anticipated and not guaranteed. The present is what we have in life, where we live.
Our spiritual freedom and our natural state of awareness are expressed through living in our authentic voice, speaking the truth as we experience it....with heart and soul, with gratitude and in peace ?
Living through our authentic voice means honoring our own conscious awareness of how we feel, what we believe, what we expect and desire from ourselves and others. This authenticity can only live in the present moment. In this awareness, we can no longer hold on to negative messages from the past. If it is negative, it is useless and serves no one. We need to become emotionally knowledgeable regarding the effects of the past, acknowledging and facing the mistaken messages or beliefs we have repeatedly reinforced in ourselves through our inner dialogue , that constant self-talk through which we have colored the present within ourselves with the residual effects of the past events. This requires releasing and letting go of old, outmoded messages and beliefs.
As we anchor the process of releasing and letting go, removing the blocks and obstacles within ourselves, the first step is to identify belief systems and messages derived from the past experiences. Do they support you and other people in a positive, uplifting and loving manner? If so, great - keep them. If not, challenge these beliefs, and let go of those that no longer serve you. Reformulate your perceptions and beliefs into ones which support and enhance your life and the lives of all those you touch. Practice reinforcing these messages in every activity you do, and in every conversation you have with others, and in all your inner dialogue, your self-talk.
Take a few minutes every day to align with Spirit, to give thanks, acknowledging your new and improved beliefs, and finding ways to see these beliefs at work in your life. Live in your joy and bliss. Share this positive and loving energy with each fellow being you encounter as we continue together to grow and learn and expand in our lives.

Author's Bio: 

International best-selling author, Gary Quinn, shares his valuable insights and knowledge with a worldwide audience via his self-help, motivational books, audio CD’s, TV appearances & radio appearances, and numerous world-wide speaking engagements & seminars. Several of his recent books have become a best-sellers in this field and are acknowledged as essential tools for those seeking to improve their lives by enhancing the mind, body and spirit.

From his best-selling book, Living in the Spiritual Zone—10 Steps to Change Your Life and Discover Your Truth, to his participation in the new film The Invocation (Spring 2011) and author of the companion book The Invocation (a follow-up to the best-selling book The Secret),Gary is often, and perhaps best described, as an inspirational “Life Coach”. His efforts have been called “life changing”. His goal is helping people take control of their lives and to make their life experiences better and more fulfilling.

Gary is the founder of the Touchstone For Life Coaching Certification Program ™ in Los Angeles, which trains, transforms & empowers individuals to create fulfilling lives. Gary’s teachings have been embraced by people from all walks of life including entertainers, Olympic athletes and corporate leaders.

A highly-regarded motivational speaker, Gary is in demand world-wide for seminars, workshops and television appearances. He frequently holds events and seminars in the USA, Switzerland, England, Japan, Ireland, Italy, Austria, Brazil, Germany, Mexico, Canada and Australia.

In his popular books such as “Living in the Spiritual Zone” 10 Steps to Change Your Life and Discover Your Truth, Gary offers readers simple but effective methods to access the true power within themselves: “Consciously or unconsciously you are creating your own life all the time. We bring mindfulness and intention to the thousands of instantaneous choices we make each day of our lives. At the end of the day, our life is a composite of all these choices. You hold the power to create the life you really want. This is an enormous gift and a tremendous responsibility. If you are not pleased with your life, it is time to visualize something different. Using my simple but effective methods can help you to achieve that goal.” Gary’s books are currently published in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Poland, Japan, Brazil, Portugal, Holland, Italy and Mexico.

Gary has been featured in New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Vogue Magazine, Reader’s Digest, Bella, Avanti, Gala, D’Primeramano, Woman’s Weekly, El Persistente, Country Living and InStyle Magazine, The Other Half/NBC, Extra, The Discovery Channel, CBS-TV, This Morning/ Granada ITV UK, Univision: A Primera Hora , Fox TV, Pro Seben-German TV-Academy Awards Special and has been interviewed by Leeza Gibbons, Gerry Ryan, Simon Mayo-BBC and Shirley MacLaine, in over 200 radio shows all over the globe.

Has a featured role in the upcoming new film documentary release The Invocation, executive produced/narrated by Sharon Stone and featuring Deepak Chopra, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, The Dalai Lama, Mark Wahlberg and Dave Stewart, among others and songs by Annie Lenox (Fall 2011)