Ah, Spring! Time for renewal, regrowth, ReCareer. ReCareer? What’s that about? ReCareering is about finding authentic work in the second half of life. I decided to learn more about the process of recareering recently with Richard P. Johnson PhD, author of ReCareer, Finding Your Authentic Work along with a ReCareering assessment.

We are still finding ourselves in the aftershock of the recession of 2008. People are continuing to look for work, create new opportunities and wait for momentum in the hiring cycle. We know some positions will return. Others will not. When people find themselves jobless, perspectives can shift. During the period of waiting, some have discovered that losing a job can make us realize that we could, and maybe should, be doing something else.

ReCareering is about finding the right fit. Many of us worked the first half of our life to "fit" the job description. We worked the long hours, worked various shifts, drove the long commute and spent time on the road away from family . We did what we needed to do to pay bills, pay a mortgage, raise a family , etc. ReCareering is the process of being selective, being creative, being fulfilled and being intentional about how you spend your time.

Dr. Johnson believes that second-half of life seekers want something deeper out of life. "They want more personal purpose, more meaning, they want to align their personality more clearly, they want to be more ‘on target’ with their life. They seek a nearer connection between their life and the larger world; they want their efforts to be more socially redeemable." Hmmm, is that too much for us to ask?

Job change in midlife can present opportunity. The second-half seeker brings loyalty, equivalent productivity , a better safety record, a higher work satisfaction level and an appreciation of the value of work, as compared to younger workers. There are myths concerning the middle aged and more mature workers. Most of the myths are attributed to stereotypes and are held by potential employers and older workers as well. The myths cause the second-half seeker to dwell on lost and scarcity thinking. Turn scarcity thinking into abundance thinking. Reframe the perspective around maturation and what has been gained with experience, exposure, knowledge and wisdom .

A typical question that a job seeker in the midyears often asks is, “how can I find a job doing something else — something I really enjoy?" Look inward. Answer the question by asking yourself:

• What is your definition of personal success? How does it compare to how you would define success in younger years?

• What is your ReCareer dream? What is the fit between your ReCareer dream and your current resources and personal gifts?

• What would stop you from moving forward with your ReCareer plans?

The benefits of recareering can be helpful for the unemployed (those actively seeking work), non-employed (those who voluntarily left the work force), underemployed (those who are working under their level of experience or education) or empty-employed (those currently employed, but the job leaves them empty, they long for something else). Formulate a plan to find or create a more fulfilling career. Enlist the help of a career coach . Seek out the training and connections you will need to be successful. Finally, surround yourself with positive people who will support you in your transition.

“It is not our age that is at fault, but rather our attitude toward it.” - Cicero: “On Old Age”, 1st Century B.C.

Author's Bio: 

Barbara Wulf, MS, ACC, CPCC is a career/life coach and certified ReCareer coach helping people redesign their career paths for work/life fulfillment, balance and success. She coaches clients who are asking the question, what’s next, in today’s changing job market. She is a certified provider for the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and The Birkman. Barbara coaches teens and college students who are beginning their college or career journeys as well as long distance travelers. Contact her at bwulf@beckoncall-coach.com and www.beckoncall-coach.com .