If you have been considering trying a raw food lifestyle now is the perfect time. You may be like many folks who tend to increase their raw food consumption at this time of year anyway. This seasonal change in eating habits is often for one of a few reasons. It may be that you don’t want to increase the heat in the kitchen by turning on the oven or stove. Perhaps it's that your body just tells you that it needs lighter fare. Or like many, you may do this to look your best poolside or at the beach. Whatever the reason, this season packs a variety of healthful and beautiful vegetables and fruits which should help to inspire you to begin a raw adventure.

What is a raw food lifestyle?
Notice that I did not use the word diet . A raw food lifestyle is one in which the foods that are consumed are largely plant based, fresh, whole, uncooked vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and grains. Organic is good when possible.

Why is a raw food lifestyle beneficial?Eating raw foods allows the body to maximize the healthful benefits of the food. Cooked foods are denatured or not in their natural state thus losing much of their life force or energy. The natural enzymes in foods are lost once cooked above about 115 degrees Fahrenheit so the body has to work that much harder to digest them. Raw foods are more alkaline and oxygenated creating an environment in the body that is healthier. These foods allow us to get the nutrients and enzymes that we need and also eliminate what we do not so that it does not sit in us causing toxicity and giving rise to disease.

Is it necessary to be 100% raw?
Just as being a vegan or vegetarian does not mean that one is healthy, nor does being a raw foodist. It is quite possible to follow a high raw diet and be unhealthy. If you are eating nothing but fatty raw foods or raw foods that are not properly prepared this could be detrimental. Incorporating many whole foods in their natural state (raw) is certainly beneficial, however you must eat the right types of foods and prepare them so the body can fully utilize them. The extent to which you do so is a personal choice. You also want to think about proper food combinations and your own specific health needs. Many people I know have started off being close to 100% raw and found that their bodies responded better to a high raw or a combination of raw and cooked foods. That being said, you could go the high raw route which is about 75% raw . Or you could be a daytime raw foodist eating all raw before a certain time and then enjoying a healthy cooked meal. Or you might opt to simply eat more raw foods without commitment.
Earlier I mentioned that this is a lifestyle and not a diet . It is not a diet in the sense of restricting in order to see a certain number on the scale. This is not something to do as a fad or as a short term fix. It might be helpful to think of this as an ongoing healthy habit. Eating raw definitely makes you think about what you are about to put in your mouth and that is only a good thing. Whatever you decide, you will see some benefits i.e. increased energy, easier bowel movements, radiant skin, etc. It may be tough initially but don't fret, your taste buds will change over time. Most important listen to your body and do what makes you feel best. Keep it interesting, be flexible and forgiving to yourself.

Why not get started with a green smoothie. Try combining spinach, kale, and dandelion greens (about a hand full combined), the juice of half a lemon, and a green apple or pear (cored and chopped). Combine in your high speed blender. If you need a sweetener, stevia is a good option. This is a great, alkalizing way to start your day.

Author's Bio: 

As a holistic health coach Denise Padgett, M.A., B.A., is acutely aware of the interdependence of the mind and body and its impact on health and well being. She is passionate about teaching people how to lead more fulfilling lives. She does this by helping others recognize the mind/body connection in their own life. Among the many modalities she offers, Denise is a fitness and nutrition expert. As an Ayurveda Wellness Counselor she brings the most cutting edge information about health and well being to her clients. A rich background in Health and Human Services makes her a compassionate and insightful counselor. Her expertise is sought out by individuals, groups, non-profits, the private and the public sector, colleges and universities. She has been of service for over 20 years. Now Denise is a Tampa Bay resident.