An innocent smile on pearly white teeth can truly lighten up your day. But, as a kid’s deciduous set of teeth may look sparkling, parents are often under the impression that their child’s spotless teeth are dirt-free. The truth gets revealed when the child’s pediatric dentist discovers painful cavities and questions on dental hygiene. Vancouver dentistry professionals come across many kids, even below the age of three years who face serious dental issues.

Can tooth decay in babies be avoided?

Certainly! Parents can attain cavity-free teeth for their children if they maintain a practical approach and imbibe healthy habits even before a baby is born. The expecting mother must ensure that her calcium intake is as per the RDA for pregnant women. This will help build a strong foundation for the yet to sprout baby teeth.

Further parents need not wait for the first tooth to show up to start brushing. The habit of brushing can be inculcated even when the baby is feeding only on milk and cereal and has not begun eating solid foods yet. Use a moist, soft and fresh washcloth or a finger brush to clean and massage the gums thoroughly after each meal. As the baby grows, parents can teach him to rinse his mouth well to get rid of the food particles lodged in between his teeth.

The First Few Years

As and when the first milk tooth appears, you can switch to a baby brush. Remember that brushing teeth is a technique. The brush strokes should be in circular motion and not up-down so that the toddler’s tooth enamel remains intact. Parents can visit their baby’s pedodontist for guidance on brushing. It is recommended that parents should brush their child’s teeth till the age of seven since kids might not brush properly. As the child grows up, he can be introduced to flossing for added cleanliness.

The next thing to do is to make sure you use a fluoride-based toothpaste and mouthwash. Fluoride is beneficial for protecting a child’s teeth against cavities. Check with your local water department if the water supply in your locality is already fortified with fluoride. If not, you can seek advice from a Vancouver dentistry clinic for using fluoride tablets or drops.

Besides this, a parent must restrict the sugar intake of his child to reduce acid attacks on the kid’s teeth. A healthy, balanced diet including milk, cheese that is rich in calcium helps build sturdy bones and teeth. Along with diet , check-ups with experts should be scheduled at least twice a year to ensure your child does not have any cavities or other gum problems.

So to sum it up, a positive mindset and strong will combined with all the handy hints suggested above will surely help keep your child’s teeth in good shape. Brushing teeth and caring for them will then become a part of the child’s daily routine. The results will be for you to see!

Author's Bio: 

By the article author wants to inform all readers about trends of Vancouver Dentistry for oral and overall health.