Malnutrition in the world today is almost ridiculous how epically big this problem has become! According to a United Nations Rapporteur, Jean Ziegler, in 2006: “58% of all death in the world is due to malnutrition, and 1 out of every 12 people is suffering from malnutrition”! 5 million of those deaths are children! According to the World Health Organization, 2.2 million children die each year from under weight growth and inter-uterine development caused by malnutrition! 2.4 million die from lack of vitamins in their food or malnourishment due to lack of proper nutrients in malnourished women’s breast milk. The sad facts of these statements baffled us when we first heard about it. Did you know that breast milk is the most vitamin rich supplement known to mankind, however, due to malnutrition, the women don’t have the needed nutrients for their own survival let alone for a baby! This is truly heart breaking!

So what do we do to fix this problem? The U.S., and other countries and organizations, send hundreds of thousands of tons of enriched, grain-based, cereal to countries suffering from malnutrition to help. From the outside it seems like this will fix the problem, but what we have discovered is this cereal is lacking in the minimum required nutrients needed for survival, and we are giving it to the worlds most vulnerable children. So we are essentially sending malnourished food to children suffering from malnutrition. Something has to change!

This problem has become so monumental that the organization “Doctors Without Borders” has put out a new campaign that is titled “Food Is Not Enough!” What they want is industries and businesses to help battle this problem by developing nutrient rich foods or supplements that can give these children a fighting chance. They are calling for a change in the way we do things. Instead of developing synthetic replacements for vitamins we need to have companies develop nutrient rich products from real food sources. It sounds simple enough, but irony is that in the 50 billion dollar a year business of selling vitamins very few are actually made from real food.

We are on a mission! We have formed a revolutionary new company that has teamed up with organizations all over the world with the mission of defeating malnutrition one child at a time. Realizing this feat was too big for just one person we have partnered with a company that feels the same way about this problem as we do. Through joint effort s of passionate people just like you we are forming a Social Entrepreneurship revolution that is taking on some of the worlds biggest problems one step at a time!

We hope by now you are asking yourself how you can help? It’s simple. To join us in this revolutionary task you will have to do a couple of things in your own life.

The first thing you will have to do is help yourself. By teaming up with us you will be required to dramatically change your own health. This does not require you to go to the gym or run a marathon (even though those things are wonderful to do), instead you will be required to put back into your body vital nutrients that can increase your quality of life exponentially! Vital nutrients that you, unawarely, have starved yourself of (read our GlycoNutrients articles). Every time you do this you will feed a starving child for one month. It sounds simple enough and it is.

The second crucial part is you will have to tell others about it! Knowledge is power, but wisdom is sharing what you know with others. By sharing this with others you will not only benefit your life, but also change the way others view their own. It is time for a change in the way we live and that change starts with you!

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Reading This Article Could Change Your Life Forever! Daniel and Victoria Matea are Health Awareness and Social Entrepreneur Gurus. Come Discover a Simple Way to Having The Health You've Always Wanted With The Financial Freedom You Deserve! Discover More with DANIEL-AND-VICTORIA !
Also, Read The #1 Article On The Web Malnutrition...The Silent Killer!