In this fast-moving world, you need to consider not only yourself, but others as well. What you do does have an influence on other people, just as other people's negative or positive attitude affects the environment around them.

What is magnificent these days is that most people are encouraged to do their utmost for self- development, not just money-wise, but academically, emotionally, and spiritually. We have obligations to ourselves to endeavour to be successful and contented. This obligation, I think, is to make sure that we strive to make the most of the opportunities and situations that we come across; that we can give back to those near to us, those who have helped us and also to our communities. The development of self is part of the self-development of our surroundings, our way of life, and our offsprings' futures.

Hence, if you perceive your future, and your goals of what you want to attain, you have to look at not only the importance of those goals and their effects on others, but you also need to think about others in your personal development course.

For instance if producing a vast amount of money and living in a large mansion, and owning a Porsche is your long-term goal, well there is absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. Money can do great things. Remember Money is not evil it's how it's put to use and how you obtain it. There is a social and individual responsibility that comes with having great wealth.

Like if in the course of making money you don't care how you get it, or who you trample on to obtain it, you can't be expected to be treated favourably by others on their way up the prosperity ladder. As you know, its best to be polite and respectful to those we meet on the way up - just in case we meet them on the way down!

The thing is what it all comes down to is that money is not the be and end all. If striving to get enormous wealth is the most significant thing, it can seem at times to be more imperative than our families , our friends, our colleagues and our neighbours.

Remember you can't take your wealth with you when you die. Wealth doesn't bring over night respect - but how you obtain it and what you do with it does. Self value and consideration for others is the basis of being content and satisfied, and is going to play an important and crucial part in your overall progress and self- development in life. On your way up the material ladder it's important to remember - 'treat those as you would like to be treated yourself!'

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About the Author:

Dion Daly is a certified trainer in hypnosis, a master practitioner in NLP and TLT. He also has a degree in metaphysics.

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