Welcome to Shamanics in Portugal´s Journal. Our intention is to remind you our readers, friends and connections we are all part of a much larger, ever evolving community bringing balance between Father Sky and Mother Earth, and within ourselves. Did you make shifts in October? November is the moment to initiate our creations.

The Journal is also available on YouTube so you can listen to it as well as view some of the scenery where our events are held. To further assist you to stay in the flow of what is evolving, we make almost daily posts on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ShamanicsinPortugal/

October finished with its second new moon, often known as a black moon. Such a moon is an auspicious one that amplifies your intentions and inner-most heartfelt desires for the cycle. It is a powerful new moon for alchemy and creative manifestation . It has been quite a roller coaster with September´s eclipse cycle followed by October’s moons!

This current moon is a supermoon, when the full moon rises on the same day that the moon orbits nearest Earth, it will be nearer to Earth than it has been since 26th January 1948! Meaning November’s full moon will be the largest and brightest full moon of a lifetime – the next one is in 2034. It will have a dramatic effect on the tides and, for many people.

This moon is in Scorpio, a water sign and the only astrological sign that has three symbols - the Scorpion (physical), the Eagle (psychological) and the Phoenix (spiritual). Indicating there are three levels of transformation to be achieved before true metamorphosis can occur. (Should you wish to know more about how Water energy can bring, as a subscriber you can download a complimentary copy of our All About Water workbook).

So the question for us all is “What needs to die this month before it can be reborn?” Hence why despite seeming a quieter month than October, there is much bubbling beneath November´s surface. The message for this lunar cycle is surrender and choose to embrace vulnerability in order to move beyond the boundary of your comfort zone.

What we begin to create now, even if only in outline, will form the basis for the coming new nine year cycle. Which is why we need to be still and hear our creative guidance.

Creating our future

These remaining weeks of 2016 are for completing the transformation of relationships, in all their guises such as money, career, direction etc.. Creating and evolving those which serve and moving away from those which do not. The challenge will be not holding on to any simply because they are there. By doing so we will allow new more aligned relationships to emerge.

For as we indicated in October’s edition “The exact nature of the years which follow October 2017 will depend on the seeds you plant prior to then.” We are now definitely in that period. In the window between now and the end of the year we each have a powerful opportunity to shed our old skin, reconnect with our inner strength and prepare for incredible prosperity in 2017.

November’s full moon on the 14th was called the Beaver moon by North American native peoples as it was the time to set traps, before the waters froze over. Hence why it was also called the full frost moon. Allow its Light to shine on all parts of you that are restricted and constrained. They provide a moment to dream without limitation.

Neptune on the 19th opens us up to receptivity and sensitises everything, so your psychic abilities are moving you into a new, clearer direction. Listen closely as this supremely clairvoyant planet changes direction – which is the moment it radiates its greatest influence!

The configuration of Jupiter and Pluto square influences the entire month. Its purpose is to bring justice and regeneration. Meaning changes might come with convulsions and excess, creating a tension as those parts of you which have been buried emerge into the Light.

The next new moon is on the 29th, set your intention on what you really desire – this is not a moment to play small!


One Spirit Work

Following the success of our October 'Discovering the Inner Realms... an Introduction to Shamanics' we have decided to offer these more frequently. In addition to being introduced to the shamanic experience of ritual, creating sacred space, journeying, meeting your guides, power animals October’s participants experienced the medicine wheel, a stone circle and the energy of the labyrinth. These as well as drumming, rattling and chanting are now part of the event. After leaving us, third parties commented on the difference in the energy and expressions of the participants.

The next 'Discovering the Inner Realms... an Introduction to Shamanics' is on 26th and 27th November', again at Quinta da Luz. A copy of our 'All About Air' workbook will be provided to all who book.

Wondering how to step onto your path? A moment to Quest perhaps? The first Vision Questof 2017 is planned for 23rd to 26th March around the equinox. There will be a half day Introduction to Shamanic Journeying, on the morning of 23rd March followed in the afternoon by the Vision Quest: http://shamanicsinportugal.com/2016

A copy of our 'All About Fire' workbook will be provided to all who book.

Should this date not be convenient and you feel the call to Quest during this first part of 2017, email us at support@shamanicsinportugal.com to indicate dates most convenient for you to Quest. Just include your name, email address and dates. We will then assess numbers for a particular weekend and if convenient, email to confirm the date and to request a booking.

The full list of events is available by visiting this link: Forthcoming Events - http://shamanicsinportugal.com/2016 . All dates for 2017 will be available shortly. For details of further events view our Facebook page.

If you feel the need for deep intense one-on-one coaching, email us at shamanicsinportugal@gmail.com . Skype or similar is available.


Thought and Contemplation for November

Loving you

Breathe a pink ray of love into your heart centre, repeat three times.

Feel the pink ray expanding, feel it radiating, feel it charging up your whole body.

Carry on breathing in the pink light until you feel totally enveloped in this energy and totally, completely loved.

Accept this love as a gift from God!

Give thanks.


Exercises in imagining the world you desire

As we move through the last weeks of 2016 we have referred to the need to plant new seeds in readiness for the arrival of the new cycle. We also wondered about how to establish a firm base to bring in the balance we will need in 2017. The exercises which follow have been borrowed from Michael Stone´s Living a Shamanic Way of Life. Work through each exercise in turn, jotting down your thoughts and reactions. Allow the energies to settle after you complete each exercise .

Exercise 1

Begin by asking yourself “What kind of world are you longing for in your heart of hearts”? Begin to write what it would look, feel and be like to live in that world. As you do this also write on another page the blocks that come up, all the reasons why you cannot have that, and the beliefs which prove it is not possible (you can work further on blocks in Exercise 2).

Be very clear and specific about the way people would treat each other, how they would connect with the natural world, the life style they would experience… When you have a clear picture of the life and world you are intentionally calling into being, look at how you can align your current actions and ways of being in the world now. Keep track of your success and blocks in your journal.

Exercise 2

Intentionally transforming the energy behind our negative thoughts, emotions, attitudes and beliefs empowers us to not only change our inner world, also the key to transforming our outer world. Working with the blocks to manifesting your intention from Exercise #1, we can create the space to bring forth our desired outcome.

Return to a meditative state by relaxing into a comfortable position and slowly breathing into your belly. Think of a beautiful place in nature that you love and imagine yourself there. Focus all your awareness and senses as you experience the beauty of this place.

Feel the sun on your body and imagine every cell in your body beginning to shimmer and vibrate as you merge with the pulse of this light. Recall the blocking attitudes, beliefs and assumptions that you feel are keeping you from living in your ideal world. Allow and see the light vibrations beginning to dissolve those beliefs and attitudes as they fall into the earth and become compost to support the intentional world you are co-creating with the help of the elements and the emerging evolutionary impulse that is arising on our planet right now.

See and feel each limiting belief and attitude transforming into new ways of being in this new world we are calling into existence.

When you come back from this meditation write these new ways of being in your journal and look at what actions correlate to this transformed way of being. This becomes your intentional road map to living the life you have longed for until now.

Live it, Be it, Share it and Become it!


The final contribution by Suze Elliott to the ESJ is this month´s medicine animal. We thank her for the pieces which have helped make the ESJ what it is today. Wishing her all the best in her next venture.

Portuguese power animal for November - Praying Mantis

This item appears in the full version of the Earth Spirit Journal newsletter which you can obtain freely by visiting:
http://www.creatingharmonyinyourlife.com/the-harmonising-times/ -- (don't forget to subscribe to receive the Earth Spirit Journal as soon as it is published.)


November 2016 is a powerful 11 Universal month! A double 11:11 gateway is opened ALL month long. This is a rare phenomenon occurring only every nine years. Walking through the gateway into the unknown to discover the truth that sets us free is the key to the whole month.

Meaning there is a boost to the energy of the 2 – how much are you prepared to receive from your relationships and union? This is the period to maintain friendly and harmonious relationships with others, including making new friends. So, how much good and potential are you willing to allow into your life?

In December´s edition we provide some indications as to what 2017 has in store !

Author's Bio: 

Besides creating and running http://creatingharmonyinyourlife.com/ Gregory Reece-Smith, the author of this article, is also one of the three main guides with Shamanics in Portugal alongside Steve and Suze Plenty-Light Elliott. You can visit the team's facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ShamanicsinPortugal , and their website at http://shamanicsinportugal.com/

Gregory is an experienced transformation facilitator, both within organisations and with individuals. As well as coaching, he conducts workshops at various locations around the world allowing participants to gain experience of how to effect a shift and bring greater clarity in their lives. Gregory´s first book 'The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony – A Guide to Freeing YOU to Create YOUR Life', was published by Divine Time Books and is currently available via Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/b00reowcry