The body is just a manifestation of consciousness on the physical level. In fact, we're just thinking and feeling that we have a body. Using this astonishing concept, we can make elimination of the roots of back pain very simple and straightforward.
The spine is very important since this is the main energetic and informational cord of the body. We know that back pain is created either by trauma, hard work, stress and depression. To eliminate the back pain we need to uproot the guilt, lack of trust, lack of self-confidence, anxiety and stress from the Sub Consciousness Mind. Doing that will lead to an inflow of blood to the back and a releasing of the shoulders, while killing the pain in the spine and lower back.
The body injury is usually created by the situation or chain of situations when we have been hurt by someone and the mind feels the pain. In most cases, the main reason is separation of the mind (aka ego) from the Universe. The root of separation lies in dualities of perception of reality. The mind prefers to see the reality in “black and white” or “good and bad” polarities. Merging of these polarities makes us feel our wholeness and oneness with Universe. To eliminate the trauma from the body, I recommend to “Merge” the dualities and “Execute it” all the situation chains that lead to trauma. In addition, forgiveness needs to be provided to all the beings that were involved in these past situations. You will receive the information about “Merge” and “Execute it” processors on .
Hardworking and Heavy thinking
The roots of hardworking are laid down in low self-esteem . The patient may follow the false religious or social doctrine – and, actually, negate himself (or the body) in order to please his parents, bosses, wife, priests etc. On the other side, hard work is stimulated by greed and the desire for power. All these false concepts are rooted in ignorance of real determination of the human being to become GOD with the way of happiness being realization of one’s divine nature. It is not necessary to say that a lot of thinking makes people “heavy-headed” bending the spine into a question mark. The persistent and consistent purification of the ego will lead to discovering the real potential deeply hidden in the human being under the layers of fears, pains, attachment, convictions, grudges etc. The false concepts can be eliminated by the understanding of the real reasons for hard work and taking adequate Master’s Solutions, like Money or My Wonderful Job.
Stress and Depression
It is almost impossible to live with stress on a long-term basis, as chronic stress can be harmful both physically, and emotionally. Stress becomes chronic when it occurs over an extended period of time. This is usually the case when you experience a number of setbacks, with which you feel unable to cope. Stress is usually reflected in the lumbar. A number of stress situations block the blood flow, create muscle tension, and make this part of the body stiff and cold. To eliminate it we use Master’s Solution: Anti-stress, and to eliminate the roots of stress we use Money, Love, Life, Anti-Age solutions according to the stress origin.
Depression can be described as a lack of life force energy with a number of symptoms like apathy, feeling cold, numb etc. Since the spine is the main energy cord, any thoughts of fear, pain, and attachment will lead to breakage of life force energy. To restore energy supply, we use Master’s Solution: Antidepressant in order to clean it fast and execute the basic emotions from the AGFLAP-CAP list.
Pain is inside you, even if you don’t feel it. Your consciousness harbors the pain in sub consciousness mind (aka ego) to prevent yourself from self-destruction. It was found recently, that for each year of agony, people lose about a cubic centimeter of gray matter. With time, the centimeters add up: it found that subjects with chronic back pain had anywhere from 5 to 11 percent less gray matter than control subjects. The suffering is literally toxic. To stop the back pain and prevent your body self-destructing use Master’s Solution: No More Back Pain. You can order it on . You will then feel more self-confident, peaceful and energized.
Please note that Master’s Health Solutions like No More Back Pain, Fat-off etc., are working better together with exercises on the physical level. Thus, if you’re staying in bed all-day long or working at the computer in question mark pose and do not exercise, the elimination of roots will not heal you properly: on physical level your processed organ will be not filled with Life Force Energy ( Reiki ) and will not restore.

Author's Bio: 

Zen Master is an International Life, Executive, Organizational Coach, Author, Keynote Speaker, Trainer and Facilitator. He is the Chief Developer of the powerful Master’s Solution technique. He is an author of “Fundamentals of Reality Management”, you can find it on Amazon Kindle. Zen Master is a former CEO of emerging markets investment company. He raised over US$ 3,5 bln in the development of oil and gas, renewables energy projects worldwide. He starts his spiritual path in 2006 and got enlightment on December 15, 2008. Since that, he is diligently working on sharing of his knowledge and experience with people of the world. He is well-known in international community due to his permanent speeches on conferences, articles in specialized journals and TV interviews.
“..I lived my life with fancy cars, Swiss watches, tailored-made suits, business classes, yachts and pompousness hotels and all that executive shit. I have changed myself to stop the running in the circling rat race. Now, I enjoy my life in the tropical island of Bali, playing with kids in the pool, biking, surfing and meditating at the sunset on the ocean beach. Wish you were here…”
A Free 1 Hour Introductory Skype Consultation (masterof.zen) is available upon fulfillment of START or EGO DETOX program.
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