Have you ever set a goal, or had one set for you, and you really believed deep down that you couldn't do it? What happened? You were right weren't you? Conversely have you ever had a goal where you knew for sure that this was a piece of cake? Yes, and you were right again, weren't you? Each News Year some of you will set "Resolutions" that you will;

improve business revenue,
have a better sales quarter,
cut costs;
spend more time with staff and less on paperwork;
go to the gym,
lose weight,
stop smoking; drink more (water) and so on....

You might even write down your goals, type them up, make spreadsheets, print them in colour, and put them on your bathroom mirror. You might be one of the percentage that came to the conclusion; that New Years Resolutions (like affirmations) don't work - so why bother? After all haven't you got enough proof that New Years Resolutions and Goal Setting doesn't work? For a tiny percentage, New Year's Resolutions are just not necessary because you already have your vision of where you are headed and you have a plan in place to get there. You regularly review and update progress, you have structures in place to hold yourself accountable, and you are measuring your progress.

So what is that makes the difference between those who set the same old tired New Year's Resolutions and those who have a clear Long Term view? Belief - If you believe you can, or believe you can't you're right" Often misquoted and so true.

With all the experience, skills and knowledge you now have, could you go back and achieve the first goal? Probably.

With the benefit of 20:20 hindsight what was the difference?Your beliefs about yourself.

Author's Bio: 

Liz Cassidy is a Brisbane based writer and Executive Behavioral Coach .

Third Sigma International is a Brisbane Executive Coaching and Leadership Development provider. Myers Briggs Personality Tests may be used in coaching.