Hair loss and dandruff is one among the common health disorders affecting people of both genders. If left unconsidered, it can give rise to several physical as well as psychological health hazards. Heavy hair fall, scalp irritation, itching in scalp region and infection of facial skin are some among the main side effects due to persisting dandruff condition. Nowadays, there are lots of herbal remedies available for curing dandruff problems. In order to reduce the risk of adverse action, it is advised to choose product made out of herbal ingredients. This helps in treating the underlying cause of problem and reduces the risk of dandruff and hair loss problems. Multiple causes contribute in forming this hair problem.

Some among the common causes reported for the formation of dandruff and hair loss include high stress, hormonal imbalance, ill maintained scalp, hypersensitivity to shampoos and exposure to extreme weather conditions. Treatments prescribed to a person suffering from dandruff and hair fall problem vary according to the actual cause of problem.

Managing stress is a natural remedial measure suggested to prevent hair loss and dandruff. In order to minimize the effect of stress, it is recommended to practice yoga and meditation regularly. Apart from managing high stress condition, regular doing of exercise helps in improving the overall health of person. Improving blood circulation throughout the body, stimulating metabolic functions of body and improving cognitive function are some important health benefits of doing regular mediation and yoga . Today, you can find several herbal products in market boasting stress cure feature. Intake of best herbal supplement is a common method to prevent hair loss and dandruff problems. Some among the top recommended herbal cures to minimize the effect of stress include kava kava, St John's wort, lavender and ashwagandha.

Lifestyle of person plays a significant role in improving the health and wellbeing of person. Following healthy lifestyle is a natural technique suggested to prevent hair loss and dandruff. In order to maintain the strength of hair, it is advised not to brush the scalp too hard. It is also advised to keep the scalp clean by washing hair at least thrice per week. Washing helps in preventing the accumulation of oil on scalp region. For enhancing the health of hair follicles, it is advised to limit or avoid hair style accessories like gels, sprays, and harsh colours.

Improper diet schedule is found to be as a main cause of hair loss problems. Maintaining healthy diet schedule is an effective method suggested to prevent hair loss and dandruff. Some among the best recommended food items to improve the strength of hair follicles include almonds, beans, cooked beef, chickpeas, fish and cow's milk. Intake of vitamin C enriched food items is found to be as a safe way to prevent dandruff and hair loss problems. Those people suffering from hair fall problems are advised to include a good amount of citrus fruits in their diet . It improves the production of collagen, an essential component of hair growth and promotes the natural growth of hair.

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