One in six people are currently suffering with a mental disorder in the state of California. Evidently, the suicide rate is at all-time high in the age group of 13 to 25 age. Many people are struggling to work while coping up with stress-related issues and anxiety . Majority of the people suffering from stress-related mental problems shy away from seeking professional help due to the stigma related to the topic, which is adding to the downfall.

Prolonged professional stress in the steady fast lifestyle is a major cause for schizophrenia, bipolar and major depression . With little time to unwind, stress is usually built up as tension in the entire body leading to blood pressure related problems.

Ways of reducing stress:
Take a break: It is important to step back and unwind regularly. With a never-ending list of duties, people generally forget to re-energise. It can be something as simple as practising breathing exercise to taking time off for a vacation, take a break from everyday stress and reconnect with yourself.
Meditate and exercise: Meditation is proven to improve mental health, reduce stress, control anxiety and improve focus. Regular exercise is essential for maintaining a fit body.
Shirodhara (Calming Oil Stream Treatment) : It is an ancient ayurvedic therapy technique utilizing herbal oils to reduce stress drastically, cope with anxiety-related problems and improve mood. With regular therapies and massage , people have observed a great drop in anxiety +, chronic sadness and everyday stress. These massages also improve the quality of sleep.
If you are struggling with stress-related problems, make sure to book an appointment for Shirodhara @, which is situated at Long Beach, California. A team of certified professionals assess you to improve your mental health and overall lifestyle.

Author's Bio: 

Athreya Ayurvedic Integrative Health Center3490 Linden Ave. Suite #3,

Long Beach CA 90807, United States
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"Health is contagious, lets spread it"Athreya Ayurveda hospitals in California, USAIntegrative health care stands for the best possible healing for total well-being. We at Athreya Ayurvedic Integrative Health Centre (AAIHC) believe in holistic healing. To this end, we integrate evidence-based health systems to harmonize body, mind and spirit. The most effective healing is only possible when the practitioner and the patient have a trusting, caring and compassionate relationship. We uphold the practice of educating the health seeker. Many scientific studies conclude that an educated patient has more motivation and commitment to get healthy and make a difference in other people's lives.

At our center, appropriate health modalities such as Ayurveda, Acupuncture, Yoga therapy and Massage therapy are chosen for the most effective health outcomes. Integrative care focuses on a "patient-centered approach" by using the best possible evidence-based traditional health systems. For your health needs, we tailor personalized protocols for achieving optimal health.

National Ayurvedic Medical AssociationCome and experience natural healing sciences in action geared for regaining your vibrant health and longevity by NAMA registered practitioners.