There are hundreds of brands out in the market which is proudly selling products like chai masala yet while surfing the internet to look for an authentic one, I found Ammiji’s Chai Masala. These three words paint an image in my mind like a cup of tea prepared with the love of a mother. And that’s when I decided to try this eye-catching product all because of its name.

Now that I was keen on it, I ordered it from Masala Monk halting my search for a great chai masala for a while. Just to share the reason for my interest in this, I am not a chai lover but yeah trying and reviewing products is what I love to do. So, I have successfully placed an order with the website and it was delivered to me in the time period indicated at the time of booking.

To be honest, I was really curious how this chai masala would taste with a cup of tea to see if it really keeps up with the picture that comes in my mind. Here’s what it stood up to.

The Packaging Of Ammiji’s Chai Masala

This might not seem important but the way a product is delivered speaks a lot of the team working for it and to me the first impression was good. When I opened the package, I was delighted to see the cute little jar filled with chai masala which explains the reason for using bubble wrap for the packing.

So now that the jar was out, I opened the lid and my place was filled with the strong aroma of Ammiji’s Chai Masala and the next step I took was towards my kitchen to prepare myself a cup of tea.

The Taste Of Ammiji’s Chai Masala

I’ll have to say the taste of my recent cup of tea prepared after adding this chai masala was mind-blowing or in simple words it met my expectations. I actually felt that the taste was perfect and a bit of comfort was coming along with every sip I took.

It wasn’t too spiced up, it wasn’t really plain it was just perfect to me. What amazed me more was that I didn’t have to make any changes to the proportions of other constituents of my tea. This means that out of milk, tea leaves and sugar, they were added in the regular amount I occasionally take with half a spoon of Ammiji’s Chai Masala and still it was awesome.

I didn’t have to follow any set of special instructions, just add some of it and voila, it is done.

The Story Of Ammiji’s Chai Masala

Absolutely, there is a story as to why this product has been given this name. So this chai masala came into existence in the 1940s when a young lady wanted to prepare herself a cup of tea which comforted her and soothed her. To achieve this, she tried a lot of spices in different proportions until she figured out the best ones to give her the taste she wants. Later, this was passed on to her generations who admired her and called her Ammi.Her grandchildren brought this fantastic recipe to the world and since it belongs to their Ammi, it is Ammiji’s Chai Masala.

And now, not only her but many women and families are enjoying the soothing taste from a cup of tea just the way she did.

The Ingredients Of Ammiji’s Chai Masala

Though during the creation of this product there was a long list but with time it was narrowed down to three main components. They were:

· Cardamom
· Cinnamon
· Star Anise

Yes, these three are the building blocks of this chai masala and it can be tested every time that jar lid is removed.

The Preparation Of Ammji’s Chai Masala

Since the product was originally handmade and homemade, it still remains the same. The process of preparing this has not been changed, which is the main reason it has the same taste as in the beginning.

From selecting the fresh ingredients to grinding them and then packing in the glass jars, everything is done with human precision. Also, it is always prepared in small batches to maintain the quality and the authentic taste as it has been promised by the team.

The Variants Of Ammiji’s Chai Masala

Since the product is made out of fresh and natural ingredients, it has inherited the benefits of them. And that is why, this chai masala comes in three variants- to boost immunity, better digestion and vitality.

However, the one ordered was for better immunity and I guess it is doing the job right. Every sip I take seems to keep me warm and resistant to rudiments.

Author's Bio: 

Sugandha is a writer by profession & a foodie by heart. With a knack for trying out new foods time & again, she loves to explore new & exciting food options. She loves to spend her weekends at new cafes & restaurants around the town or experimenting in the kitchen.