Many men who notice the first signs of thinning hair are usually noticing a genetic condition generally referred to as male pattern baldness. While male pattern baldness will eventually leave a man with bald spots that cannot be reversed, the initial stages are treatable when they are caught before hair follicle damage occurs. Understanding how male pattern baldness works and what male hair loss treatment options are available can help a man reverse hair loss while it is still possible.

Male Hair Loss Causes

Understanding how male hair loss due to male pattern baldness works can help a man looking for treatment options choose something that will help. Men often carry a gene that causes their bodies to produce too much of a testosterone byproduct called DHT. DHT doesn't have anything necessary to do in an adult male body, so it builds up in the scalp and binds to hair follicles. Hair follicles being attacked by DHT shed the hair that is present and start to disappear once they enter a resting phase, causing the characteristic pattern of male pattern baldness.

Male Hair Loss Treatment Choices

• Topical Chemicals – Topical chemicals like over the counter foam solutions are one of the most popular male hair loss treatments available since they are known for working for many of the men who try them. These treatments stop DHT directly at the scalp, though they do create some undesirable effects. Many of the men who try chemical foam treatments notice hair texture changes, and some even notice hair color changes and scalp health problems over time.

• Medical Prescriptions – Men who don't see success with topical foams often turn to prescription drug options available through a doctor. Prescription hair loss treatments are successful for a portion of the men who try them, though the way they work can lead to some unwanted side effects. Medical prescriptions for hair loss work by stopping DHT production through lowering the total amount of testosterone in a man's body.

• Natural Solutions – Natural male hair loss supplements use side effect free ingredients to create the same effects that prescription drugs and chemical foams provide. Good supplements contain a set of herbs designed to block DHT production without touching testosterone levels within the body and stop DHT from binding to the scalp through natural topical help. Natural solutions are an ideal first option for men looking for a male hair loss treatment who don't want the issues associated with foams or prescription drugs. There are also natural topical treatment options for a two part treatment in conjugation with a pill.

Natural supplements are a safe and side effect free option for treating male hair loss due to male pattern baldness. While prescriptions and foam chemicals can prevent hair loss for many men, most of those men will notice the same results from a natural solution that doesn't cause issues later on. Any man looking for hair loss help is best served by trying a natural supplement before turning to harsher treatment options.

Author's Bio: 

Speedwinds Nutrition, Inc. is the leader in nutritional supplements. One of their most successful products is Procerin, a hair loss supplement designed specifically to be the most effective and safest way to stop male hair loss . While most hair loss products focus on external factors, Procerin differentiates itself by taking a multi-prong approach. The Procerin hair loss system consist of three components; an oral supplement, topical foam and cleansing shampoo. The Procerin system works to safely and naturally combats the causes of male pattern baldness and restarts the hair growth process. To learn more about hair loss and Procerin, visit them at