Lower back problem is the most common problem faced in the US today. The lower back or lumbar region bears the weight of the entire body and is subjected to wear and tear on a daily basis. Lower back pain can be caused due to bad posture or can also be a structural issue, if it is ignored it can lead to serious injuries such as slip disc, disc degeneration or nerve impingement. By following an active, healthy lifestyle and correcting your posture, you can tackle minor lower back problems.

Few causes of lower back problems include:
Excess weight
Straining movement
Improper sleeping posture
Improper posture at the workplace
Straining footwear

Major lower back problems need immediate medical attention, you can implement these simple ways to manage minor pain:
Maintain a healthy weight
Wear proper cushioned footwear
Maintain a proper posture while sitting, don't slouch
Sleep on a well-supported mattress

If you are facing recurring, chronic lower back pain you can contact @http://www.athreyaayurveda.com which is based in Long Beach, California.

Trained professionals will help you fight lower back pain by using methods such as
Yoga : It is proven to reduce lower back pain drastically. Our trainers will help you practice posture that stretches and strengthens the muscles. Yoga can also help release tension in the muscles and promotes stress relief
Acupuncture : We have a team of skilled trained professionals, who practice acupuncture to release stress and restore proper energy flow in the body. With the help of sterilized acupuncture needle, they stimulate the body's natural healing mechanism
Massage : Our skilled professionals use special massage technique such as kati basti to heal lower back problems. They pour special warm herbal oil on the problematic area and gently massage the entire lower body. This is great to relax and rejuvenate the lower back and strengthen the back muscles.

Author's Bio: 

Ayurveda is a “health centered” system of healing. Promotion of health and prevention of sickness is the heart of Ayurvedic health care. Our goal at Athreya Ayurveda is to educate and inform health seekers about longevity secrets of Ayurveda.

At Athreya Ayurveda we believe that health and happiness is in our true nature. Ayurveda is the "science of healthy being" which empowers us with those essential tools to live a long healthy and meaningful life. Approach of Ayurvedic medicine is gentle, easy to follow and deeply transformative. Body and Mind get nourished and uplifted when you follow simple diet plans, seasonal detoxes, Yoga therapy, natural herbs and other health promotive practices. Ones spirit gets uplifted when body and mind are healthy and vibrant leading to holistic health in truest sense. https://www.athreyaayurveda.com/index