Another pretty large area of musculature that can easily and quickly lose strength and tone are your thighs. The same applies as it does for your stomach area, flabby weakened thighs will have a detrimental effect on your health and need to be worked on as part of your chosen method for effectively losing weight naturally and permanently.

In actual fact it's most likely your inner-thighs that would be forgotten completely and you'll realize that even if people do various good leg exercises on a regular basis they often still retain soft un-toned inner-thighs.

Just a quick re-cap here then; each one of your thighs is comprised of several individual muscles, so as you do exercises like walking , running or even squats you're simply targeting certain individual muscles which still leave your inner-thighs in need of some further specific and targeted fat-burning training.

A really good thigh exercise would be one that covers a full group of individual muscles within that actual muscle group. That exercise would be;

The Forward Lunge

There's actually a few great versions of the 'lunge', including the reverse-lunge and the side-ways forward lunge but the straight-forward (excuse the fully intended pun) and simple forward lunge is the most commonly used and has a particularly notable effect on your inner-thighs without having to get too technical with the other lunge types.

When i say simple, a newbie will actually find them tough going at first. Although it's just like anything else you've ever done first time, practice makes perfect, which means they will get easier to practise as your inner-thighs strengthen and tone. Well this the reason for doing them in the first place!

A quick thing worth mentioning here is that although this exercise alone will make a great job toward the toning and strengthening of your thighs, for those real killer legs you must be combining lunges with other thigh exercises and weight-losing strategies. Your reward would then be much faster positive results.

Ok - so what's a lunge?

Simple - from a relaxed standing poition, you take an exaggerated step forward. You stand straight, feet slightly apart as though waiting for a bus. You subsequently take your one foot forward (don't over-reach, just take a decent-sized step) and then slowly bend the forward leg at the knee so that the thigh of your rear leg stops parallel with the floor.

Return the forward foot back to its' initial place while standing straight again and go over the process with your other foot - do as many repetitions as suits you or your exercise program.

You should feel your inner and outer thigh muscles being stretched and worked and then as your thighs get stronger you can graduate to doing them with dumb-bells in your hands.

In summary; the simplest weight-loss systems, methods or programs continuously prove to be the most effective. It's a whole lot easier than you've been led to believe. So focus on your targets and stick with them.

Natural, speedy, healthy and permanent weight-loss isn't and has never been about overly complicated dieting systems and/or poisonous diet pills - it's all about simplicity, a bit of will-power and genuine weight-loss knowledge.

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My Very Kindest regards

Peter EC Kirwan