The breakup of a marriage, no matter the duration of the union, can be an extremely painful process. Transitioning to a new life as a “whole” person without the presence of the other individual is often a painstakingly slow process that can lead to feelings of sadness, low self-esteem and depression along with unanticipated legal and financial struggles.

Divorce, in addition to its legal ramifications, can have physical, emotional and spiritual consequences. A Certified Divorce Recovery Coach can help guide clients through their specific issues and work with them to mitigate such negative emotions as hurt, pain, anger and confusion, which are frequently seen in persons going through divorce. Divorce Recovery Coaches can help clients prepare for their new life and future relationships after the divorce .

Divorce Recovery coaching is a field that is currently wide open and growing. Coaches have ample opportunities to collaborate with a diverse team of professionals, including pastors, psychologists, counselors, mediators and lawyers who regularly work with clients during the divorce process. These professionals are a great source for referrals. With the right training, skills and credentials, you can be an effective and inspirational ally to thousands of individuals whose marriages and lives have collapsed.

You may be intrigued by this area of coaching and might be wondering if you have the capacity to work with clients who are dealing with such an enormous life-altering event. You might be asking yourself:

“How can I help a client who has lost him or herself in the marriage ?”

“What are some things I can say to them, or do in the coaching session that will help dispel doubt, raise a healthy level of self-esteem and encourage progression toward dormant dreams or goals?

Divorce Recovery coaches are a catalyst for transformation, and frankly, you can seem like a bright light of hope for clients who are overwhelmed by the whole experience. But coaches need to be fully prepared and equipped with the specific tools, techniques and strategies to help a client successfully navigate divorce . The right training is crucial for success – for you and your clients!

First and, probably most importantly, will be your ability to establish trust with the client and really honor where they are in their journey. You should be non-judgmental and be willing to clear you own experiences, beliefs and stereotypes so the client can be authentic in their sharing and feel you are truly hearing and understanding them. By adopting the proper coaching presence and correctly utilizing all the core coaching competencies, you will not misinterpret the message the client is sending you. You will be able to clearly hear the victim within and be able to effectively coach the client and champion wholeness within them.

As a business, Divorce Coaching can be a very lucrative and rewarding career. Clients will be looking for healing and recovery when facing divorce and you can have the power to offer them both. To see how training through Impact Coaching Academy can help you make a difference in people’s lives, please explore our Certified Divorce Recovery Coach Program.

Author's Bio: 

Frankie Doiron is the Founder and CEO of Impact Coaching Academy. She has been a leader in the coaching industry for over 10 years. She understands the needs of those people interested in training to be a coach, as well as coaches who are new or experienced in the profession. She has the expertise and desire needed to identify solutions designed to help coaches achieve the success they want and deserve. For more information, please visit Impact Coaching Academy's website.