A non sequitur according to Wikipedia is “A logical fallacy where a stated conclusion is not supported by its premise.” In common vernacular it’s something that just doesn’t make a lick of sense no matter how you say it.

The idea of lawless government seems like a non sequitur but through the eyes of Biblical prophecy it is not. Indeed it is a promise of scripture and a description of a time when government will be at a peak but the laws governing personal moral behavior will have reached all new lows beyond anything in past history.

It is interesting that the call to this non sequitur will be much like the slogan of the Obama campaign catch phrase used in the 2008 election. Put simply it is the call for change: the definition, final outcome or stated purpose of the change does not have to be clarified. It is akin to the exasperated cry of the weary worker who says to his wife “We just need to get out of here for a while and maybe take a little vacation.” The feeling that a change is desired comes long before it is actualized or planned. The call for change is seeking only agreement not necessarily a definition or any specifics.

The promised rise of the world’s last and worst dictator says that he too will be a man that calls for change. He will think to change the very way we perceive time and history. Not possible you say? Consider Adolph Hitler’s call for a thousand year rule of the Third Reich. He pulled that one out of the little hat that housed his very large megalomaniacal head and actually got thousands of Germans on board with his idea of Nazi supremacy.

The antichrist will do pretty much the same thing but rather than waiting for a new millennial period to begin he will simply propose that we rearrange the history preceding him and all the events that follow. “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.” (Dan 7:25)

It could be said that one of the chief reasons Hitler failed and antichrist does not is because Hitler came before his time. The antichrist however comes at exactly the right time. The world will have been well prepped in his time. Religion will be apostate having replaced the call to salvation with ceremonial and traditional beliefs that leave out accountability to the creator God and his singular Savior who rather than being a great teacher or leader is the very incarnation of the living God, in the form of a man, namely, Jesus Christ.

The world banded together to defeat Hitler but due to moral conditions in the last day the world will join with the antichrist to bring in their own all new version of the thousand year reign. It will not look as militant and aggressive as the schemes of Hitler but will be a seemingly homogenous meld of political correctness, global cooperation, environmentalism and happy days of worldwide brotherhood. John Lennon would be delighted.

The antichrist’s rise will be predicated on the need to solve worldwide problems such as war and economic instability. He will be a man who knows full well the meaning of yet another slogan that came into vogue during the 2008 election year, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

The world is mesmerized by pop figures that seem larger than life in our culture and problem solvers who are larger than life in our leadership and government. Antichrist happens to fit the profile for both. He will, for a time at least, find a way to cut back warfare in various parts of the world and stabilize a teetering worldwide economy. It might be said that; to the world he looks just too good to pass up.

Lawless government is hard to understand apart from a clear understanding that law has different levels and administrations. The best example to explain these levels is in the ancient Law of Moses. Comprised of three basic divisions the Mosaic Law is the perfect example of how nations can split the hairs just as ancient Israel has done, by picking the part of the law they found easiest to enforce, they brought their nationhood to an end.

Mosaic Law is comprised of the ceremonial law, the hygienic law and the moral law. Ceremonial law spoke to the methods and practice of religious ceremonies and concerned itself with proper procedures in the practice of the ancient temple system of worship. Hygienic law had to do with washing of hands, temple vessels and what meats were clean or unclean.

The third and most important aspect of the Mosaic Law was the moral law but this is where Israel failed the most. At the top of the moral law were the Ten Commandments.

The moral law was fully incorporated by Christ into a singular and final law sometimes referred to as “The Royal Law of the Scriptures.” That law is defined by a single verse of New Testament scripture, “And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.” (Luke 10:27)

The Royal law held God as the main focus of our love and our neighbors as well. No one goes after his neighbor’s wife if he loves his neighbor. No one steals from someone they love. No one murders anyone, if they love them.

In the hands of secularists, the deviant and the generally disobedient this law has been twisted to mean that if you love people you will not charge anyone with immoral behavior because that would be overtly un-loving and thus not in keeping with the Royal Law of Scriptures.

It is the Royal Law that comes under serious attack as the last days approach. Speaking of conditions that will prevail near the end of the age Christ said, “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” (Mt 24:12)

To proclaim that God’s pronouncements against homosexuality are binding moral laws will be detested, challenged and rejected as un-loving. Following those objections many will conclude that such proclamations are contrary to civil rights, first amendment freedoms, or injurious and defamatory to the homosexual.

To reiterate, preach, or attest to God’s proclamations will be seen as un-loving and defamatory yet all the while the real reasons for proclaiming his laws are exactly the opposite. To the Christian, not telling someone of a behavioral choice that will cost someone their eternal destiny is extremely irresponsible and anything but loving. Proclaiming the moral laws that are intrinsic to the Royal Law is an ultimate act of love.

The ultimate master of lawlessness and anarchy in the last days is called the “man of lawlessness.” (2 Thess 2: 3 NAS) The height of perversion will have been reached and surpassed because he will actually be ruling the world from one end of the globe to the other. (Rev 13: 7) Here is where the incongruity reaches critical mass. How can a lawless individual propose, legislate or enforce any laws if he is “lawless?”

The kinds of laws that are loosened, changed or disregarded are all those that have to do with our personal behavior and matters of choice. We are now accustomed to abortion on a world wide scale (150 million to date) and nationally (50 million) and now it is no longer considered a hot button topic but is often covered with a simple; “It’s the law of the land.” I’m not sure where the word originated but someone of late has referred to abortion clinics as “abortuaries,” a term that should invoke national shame.

Stretching the credulity of the humblest minds today’s stop academics and scientists send probes across our solar system looking for the source or beginnings of life but don’t seem to know when life begins in a mother’s womb. Most children know that life begins at the beginning (conception) without studying Hegel’s Science of Logic. Today’s top minds say the God who can’t lie (2 Tim 1: 2) must have been mistaken when he referred to himself as the creator of everything well over forty times in the scripture. The convulsions of the modern mind do not end here but the final chapter is yet to come.

Every choice regarding gender, trans-gender, sexual preferences or the promotion and promulgation of sexually deviant materials will have almost no limits. Prurient interests will fly on every level from Hollywood to the classroom. The sense of the big party will create euphoria for a while, until people are forced to pause long enough to see that while they were reveling, the biggest political farce in world history is forming like a giant tsunami and is about to break out just behind them.

The pursuit of riches will take up the slack for the rest and out of that mindless hot pursuit will come a come a worldwide economic system that will enter and meddle with the details of virtually everyone’s personal finances. It will be a mandatory system without which no one will be able to buy or sell so much as a postage stamp unless they are included in it. George Orwell’s 1984 will come into its own and then we will see the only thing he may have had wrong in his un-nerving prognostication was the date.

Those with a gut sense that things are about to burst open have begun to take measures to avert the worst, howbeit, they have sought the wrong path. Today there is a flurry of gold sellers selling the public the idea that buying gold will assure their future financial security. I cannot help but make them angry by saying that gold will be worthless when these events are in full swing.

We hear the repeated claim that gold has never gone down in value. This is a complete lie because those who stocked up on gold when it hovered around $400.00 per ounce in the eighties saw it plunge rather than rise to the expected $800.00 per ounce that was predicted. But let’s go further back than the eighties. From 1933 to 1975 Americans were not permitted to own or hoard gold, gold coins, gold bullion or gold certificates under the executive order signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, April 5, 1933. The antichrist’s complete control of our personal finances will also be subject to executive orders of the same kind.

If all of this sounds dastardly we must remember that no one ever said that prophecy was meant to titillate. Of the 167 Messianic prophecies that are found in the Old Testament all were fulfilled completely during the life of Christ but none of the less attractive aspects of them was left out. The brutal slaying of Christ on a cross was the worst death the ancient Romans could conger and every detail of that death was both prophesied and fulfilled in the last twenty four hours of Christ’s life.

There are about one hundred times more pre-millennial (Second coming of Christ) prophecies than Messianic prophecies and every one of them will be largely fulfilled in the last seven years of human history as we now know it. So why doesn’t everyone just tune in to these dire warnings and turn it all around?

Nothing new here; the first reason that we don’t pay heed to the warnings is because we will not take them into account. Science, academics, the media, apostate churches and the general attitudes of most people is one of skepticism and doubt. The second prevailing reason they are not heeded is that age old matter of unbelief. The “seeing is believing” crowd will get what they want but, it will be a moment too late.

I usually appendage my work with an appropriate scripture passage to complete or embellish the points and drive home a sense of urgency to my readers. This time I will use a message garnered from the annals of American southern gospel music. In 1917 the song “Life’s Railway to Heaven was copyrighted and later was printed and popularized in Chicago in 1933. The words came from the pen of M.E. Abbey and the music was written by Charlie D. Tillman.

Abbey says that all of life is like a mountain railroad a metaphor few people find hard to understand.

Life is like a mountain railroad, with an engineer that's brave;
We must make the run successful, from the cradle to the grave;Watch the curves, the fills, the tunnels; never falter, never quail;
Keep your hand upon the throttle, and your eye upon the rail.

The question that is posed by Abbey’s prose is, just how could anyone keep a powerful fast moving train from de-railing in times that are roaring louder than the old train whistle itself? As with so many of life’s best solutions for problems the answer is simple yet profound. In the next verse Tillman explains.

You will often find obstructions; look for storms of wind and rain;
On a fill, or curve, or trestle, they will almost ditch your train;Put your trust alone in Jesus; never falter, never fail;
Keep your hand upon the throttle, and your eye upon the rail.

Your weight is found on what or whom you trust. If you trust government, your riches, gold, the antichrist, the new liberalism or apostate churches the result will always be; a ditched train.

Author's Bio: 

http://www.americanprophet.org has since 2005 featured the articles of columnist Rev Michael Bresciani along with news and reviews that have earned this site the title of The Website for Insight Millions have read his timely reports and articles in online journals and print publications across the nation and the globe.