The Fear of flying or aviophobia (the technical term for the phobia) is thought of as quite common among people who travel often by air.

What is it that makes flying safe? Did you know that flying is the safest form of travel, and Statistics prove it? That is because the airplane is managed by a professional and licensed pilot who spent years honing his flying skills. Apart from that, proprietors of airline companies spend billions of dollars on amenities of great quality not only to ensure the safety of their passengers but also to make sure that they are comfortable throughout their flight.

Apart from that, no plane ever takes off without stringent inspection-mechanical and technical aspects-by a crew of people who are also specialists in the field of flying. This is to safeguard that there will be no problems when the aircraft is in the air. And remember all airline companies adhere with AIR Transportation guidelines to ensure that they are following all the rules of safe flying.

The key to success in overcoming aviophobia: Therapist who deals with people to get rid of their fear of flying thinks that even though air travel is safe, the many individuals who fear it keep on increasing. This is because the fear itself is a phobia that is difficult to rationalise. So, an effective way to go about it is for you to comprehend what you are afraid of in air travel. Once you know what it is about flying that you fear the most then the issue can be gradually tackled.

Once you know what it is that you fear in air travel the next thing to do is to be more acquainted about the symptoms of the phobia. Specialists in the subject say that every individual has different experiences and responses to their phobia. Even though the degree and intensity of these fears may differ, there would be commonalities in these symptoms-they are displayed through psychological, emotional, and physical, aspects.

1. The simplest way to identify aviophobia is by the physical symptoms. The Physical symptoms may consist of severe changes in respiration, vomiting, nausea, dizziness. Other familiar symptoms consist of excessive sweating involuntary muscle tensions, and slight to severe tremors of the body.

2. Trust concerns are the chief offenders when it comes to the emotional symptoms. This is because your fears are linked to your emotional responses. The hindrance here is that you do not trust the people who will be handling the flight. You think that the pilot and all the cabin crew will not be capable to protect you should anything go wrong during the course of the flight that is why the panic attacks sink in.

3. overcoming The trickiest part to deal with in conquering the fear of flying is the psychological aspect because you will need to seek out professional help for the psychological problems to be dealt with. These problems may include matters of self-control, the lack of ability to cope, and the struggle to fight the fear that comes over you when the airplane starts to take off. Good Luck!

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About the Author:

Dion Daly is a certified trainer in hypnosis, a master practitioner in NLP and TLT. He also has a degree in metaphysics.

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