A Wonderful Reliever of Chronic Back Pain

Is spinal decompression a remedy for chronic back pain ? Here is the answer.

From the first authentic but randomized study of the State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries in 2004 to the most elaborate study conducted recently, researchers have found that spinal decompression can provide considerable relief to chronic back pain .

Very much a part of the pain management system in leading healthcare centers, spinal decompression therapy is and has been utilized as an effective reliever of back pain . Patients report considerable improvement in the quality of their life after treatment, providing long-term functional restoration - quickly and painlessly. The Food and Drugs Administration of America (FDA) has acknowledged the therapy not only for providing back pain relief but also for helping to address neck, arm, and leg pain and disability by reversing nerve impairment, reducing loading of the spine, and mending damaged spinal discs.

As everyone knows, back pain may hamper the normal activities of walking , sitting, attending office and recreational activities. Spinal decompression is a form of mechanical spinal traction that can bring relief from debilitating back pain.

Back Pain – Causes and the Spinal Decompression Treatment Option

The soft, gel-like cushion between the vertebrae in the spinal column absorbs pressure like the shock absorber in an automobile. This prevents the bones from rubbing against each other. The small joints (facet joints) link the vertebrae together and give them flexibility of movement.

There are various reasons for damage or deterioration of the discs. The prominent among them are wear and tear caused by age or accidents. In conditions such as degenerative disc disease, intense pain is felt because of the tremendous pressure put on the spinal cord or nerves, resulting in numbness or sudden pulses of sharp pain, which may even spread through the legs and arms.

Such situations call for starting the back pain treatment. State-of the-art technology is used for the spinal decompression treatment. In this treatment session, the vertebrae of the spine are gradually separated and pressure is slowly reduced within the disc until a vacuum is formed. This vacuum draws the jelly-like center of the disc back inside thereby reducing the disc bulge. The process drastically reduces pain and disability. The process also pulls the much-needed oxygen, nutrients and fluid into injured and degenerated discs, which allows healing to begin.

Needless to say, spinal decompression is a great treatment alternative for back and neck pain . To know more about this spinal decompression as a remedy for chronic back pain", speak to a qualified pain management specialist.

Author's Bio: 

Spinal Decompression Brooklyn - Non-surgical spinal decompression is an effective option for back pain treatment .