The patient, Mr. Smith, was diagnosed with chronic prostatitis and began the treatment two years ago. He had experienced some medicine treatments, but there was no obvious improvement.

One day, he asked the physician assistant, "Shall I get a prostate massage ?"

"Prostate massage may be not helpful for the health of the glands," said the physician assistant. "Be very careful when checking and extracting fluids. It is better not to get massaged."

He said, "I've known that some doctors say that chronic prostatitis often recurs when inflammatory fluid blocks the ducts and infects the healthy glands. It is said that the use of prostate massage is beneficial to recovery, by dredging the blocked glands and accelerating the discharge of inflammatory fluid out of the body. It makes sense to me, and I want to try it."

The assistant answered, "It's not the whole gland that's inflamed, and it's not the whole gland that's evenly inflamed. In many patients, the inflammation means focal inflammation with retention of inflammatory secretions. The massage can make the retention of inflammatory secretions spread deeper into the interior, increasing the risk of inflammation spreading, which directly leads to the aggravation of the disease. Repeated stimulation on the chronic inflammatory lesions will turn these lesions into inflammatory scleroma and accelerate the process of fibrosis."

"Complex prostate lesions may be accompanied by cysts, calcifications, inflammatory nodules, stones, and other lesions, so these patients can not be massaged."

Mr. Smith thought he just had chronic prostatitis, which may be not as complicated as the assistant said. And he felt that a massage could improve it.

Several months ago, he consulted the physician assistant again. He said his urination problems, sexual function problems, pain problems and systemic symptoms were all worsened. And he confessed that he had several prostate massages in last two months, which had been stopped when his symptoms got worse.

He was diagnosed with prostate calcification, fibrosis and chronic prostatitis, and he began a new treatment, which is the herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill produced by Dr. Lee Xiaoping. The doctor told him, "don't use yourself as a testing ground for these treatments just because the theory works. Because the theoretical basis and clinical practice of the results are often very different. Traditional treatments for prostate diseases have varying efficacy, but they do not harm the gland or make it worse."

The rehabilitation of diseases has many conditions, such as the patient's good physical condition, and the absorption of the drug. While the poor outcome in many patients results from not treating the lesion but merely improving the symptoms. If the lesions do not get radically cured, the curative effect will be not satisfied without doubt. While the herbal medicine adheres to the holistic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, which can cure the condition of its radical causes.

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