Local search is fast becoming the most popular way people are finding the places of business in their area. Forget the Yellow Pages... local search is much more interactive with Google Maps, reviews, hours and staff information. If you are a gallery owner, you will want to make sure that you are included in the local searches of engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing.
Most search engines pull their information for local search from the Yellow Pages and other listings. But you will want to make sure that you are included and the info about your business is correct. If you don't see your business located in the local search then you can submit your info to have it be included in the results. You want to make sure that the hours and directions are accurate. You can edit any of the changes about your business that you need to and keep it fresh.
If you have a website (and you should) you need to make sure that is is included in the search results as well and that the links work properly. This is your biggest asset on the internet to getting the customers you need for your business. Don't take it for granted that your store is there and that everything is correct. I've seen major stores and chains that have outdated info on their local search results because no one was paying attention... and they missed an important sale...mine! Learn more about how local search works for you.

Author's Bio: 

Alka Dalal, MA. , MS., (NYU and Rutgers University) with many years of corporate experience, founded i-Speak Consulting to enable individuals to take a pro-active approach in being effective communicators in the workplace. She has enjoyed success with different careers, family life and business. She is thrilled to share the stories of her struggles and triumphs in spite of adversities with others, to help them build their dreams and succeed in their own ways and finding their own creativity.She draws upon her vast experience to provide valuable tips on how to succeed in today’s economy using great tool called Internet Marketing.