As tears rolled down my face, I remember it as if it was yesterday. I was wearing purple and white polka dotted shorts. My mother, my aunts and my grandmother traveled to Texas to visit this man who’s actions does not warrant him the name of grandfather. I was so excited listening to my mother and aunts reminisce about the good old days. When it was time to leave it saddened me. I didn’t want to end our visit. I asked my mother if I could stay overnight with this man and his girlfriend and it was with hesitation that my mother said yes. I did not understand the hesitation at the time. This night would turn into a night I would never forget. This dirty old man, molested me and took my innocence away. I was told to never say anything and made to believe his actions where my fault. How about that responsibility for a 5 year old?
Well it took me years to build up the courage to tell my mother what had happened that night but with a trembling voice, I did it. My testimony started from an innocent 5 year old little girl that was molested, angry, hurt and abused. I thought of myself as a helpless and weak victim throughout my earlier years and because of my beliefs, I made very bad choices. I can now say through experience, I know what it feels like to be a young lost child, a rebellious teenager and a promiscuous woman with a vengeance. But God! But by the grace of God this same innocent little girl grew into a God fearing, strong and courageous woman.
Through my many trials, tribulations and errors, I am now able to show others how I turned my life around. I can now show others how God used my greatest pain to prepare me for my purpose in life. My pain has brought me to a very humble place in my spirit and I no longer see myself as a victim of my past. I am an overcomer! I am God’s child! I am beautiful! I am uniquely made! I am loved! I know all of these things because God tells me so.
Through my pain and sorrow, God has prepared me to share His word with others in a way that was made just for me. My life’s experience (my testimony) serves as an example of how God can turn a negative event into something positive. He is able to use us despite of our past experiences. Isn’t God awesome? Yes He is and I know this because I am living proof.
I pray my story will offer encourage and inspiration to others and allow you to see that through your pain there is a purpose. God was there then and He continues to be with you. Know that you are loved and you are not alone.

Follow me on twitter @mstoripier or you can visit me at
February 20, 2015 at 1:34 am Edit
Wow….Your Testimony was so powerful. Although your story is different from mine, your story took me back to my 12/13 year old experience. This event caused me to be shy, feel guilt and shame, see sex as nasty, low self-esteem and afraid to be close to men (although an older male cousin touched me)….two marriages, abuse , infidelity ….and two divorces later, in 2009, I started a new life. God carried me through all of those dark days. My pain had purpose. My Pain has made be stronger and wiser. I was broken, but I am healed! Because of who I am, was becausw of all that I had to go through. I Thank God For My Pain.
A few years ago, I wrote a poem , “My Pain Had Purpose” for a lady on Facebook…for her book.
Keep Up The Good Work Torria!
Shelia Pierre
February 20, 2015 at 1:49 am Edit
Thank you Sheila. I love reading testimonies like yours about people who have overcome and chose to use their pain for purpose. God is so good in turning things around. :)
February 20, 2015 at 8:24 pm Edit
I’m proud of you Tori. As someone who grew up with you and know everyone in your family as I was once a member of that family , you are breaking that yolk. The generational curses spared by secrecy, and shame. However, rest assured that GREATER THINGS ARE COMMING… To GOD be the glory. I too experienced it and am glad God preserved me as he preserved you. I am proud of you. You are a conqueror, a favored and blessed child of Our heavenly father. No weapon formed, eyes have not seen, and our territories will be increased… I love ya chic and stay blessed
February 21, 2015 at 12:12 am Edit
Hey Nona, girl yes you know firsthand how it was to keep everything so hush hush but not anymore. I see the purpose in the pain and will not keep it a secret anymore. I pray for my family and hope that others may also find healing. I really appreciate the comment and encouragement. May the Lord continue to shine His light on you and your family. I love you too chica ;)
February 20, 2015 at 5:59 am Edit
This is beautiful and inspiring!!! Thank you for sharing!
-God’s Peace
February 20, 2015 at 3:33 pm Edit
Thank you so much Ta kisha! :)
February 20, 2015 at 8:13 pm Edit
Tori, thank God he brought u thru the storm. Sometimes we have to go thru things to get to where he wants us to be. Thank u for sharing; I pray that your story will be a blessing to someone.
February 21, 2015 at 12:08 am Edit
Thank you Felecia. Yes after finding purpose in my pain, it makes it a lot easier to deal with the emotional side of it. Thank you for your prayers.
February 21, 2015 at 12:19 am Edit
I am so proud of you and of all that you’ve accomplished! Thank you for transparency. Your testimony will, undoubtedly, reach many! Love you!
February 21, 2015 at 12:32 am Edit
Awe thanks Renita I really appreciate your comment. I love you too chica!
February 21, 2015 at 5:02 am Edit
To God be the glory for the things he has done and will do in your life. It takes courage and strength to tell your story. I am truly proud that you have broken the curse that hurts so many families. There are so many children looking for a way out and thank God you have chosen to be a voice for and with them. Continue to witness and walk by Faith God has great things in store for you.
February 21, 2015 at 7:50 pm Edit
Kewana, thank you so much for your comment. I am so overjoyed by the outpour of love and support. :)
February 21, 2015 at 5:34 pm Edit
Tori I remember u how is Sissy and the rest of the family well I hope all is well. Well I read your testimony I found myself shedding tears cause I also went thru the same by a step father but I that to ask how did u overcome the embarrassment n shame I still cry about my situation and it’s been over 20yrs and I can’t even talk abt it without crying and that sick individual has gone on to hell
February 21, 2015 at 7:48 pm Edit
Hello Lost and it Still Hurts, I haven’t talked to Sissy in quite some time but my nieces are doing just fine. I am glad you were able to read my testimony to see that you are not alone. I felt this way for years and even blamed myself for what had happened. I have to continue praying for God’s strength to keep myself from allowing the man who abused me to continue to control me. It was only by the grace of God that I stopped allowing myself to be controlled by the shame and embarrassment from what happened. Now I realize that I was too little to control what happened and it was not my fault. I can now speak to others and show them that there was s purpose to all of my pain. I pray to God that he will give you the strength to first FORGIVE your stepfather and take back your control. Then I would suggest that you get into the word of God and allow Him to use your pain to help someone else in need. I still cry too because I will never forget what happened but I find my strength in others. Your story really inspired me and shows me that I am not in this alone. There is power in your testimony. I pray that one day you are able to share it with others. May God bless you and keep you in His arms. God takes care of His children.

Author's Bio: 

Latorria Pier is an author, student at Christian Leaders Institute and founder of Special's Quality Care Centers. Her organization is a Christian based non- profit organization that works diligently through many volunteer efforts to empower women and families to initiate personal and social change. She is the author of “Turn My Life Around” Discovering Your Purpose; a 365 day devotional book that helps women discover their divine purpose. She is passionate about empowering and inspiring women to seek their divine purpose within their greatest pain. She is a frequent blogger with Word press as her main selection. She is currently pursuing her bachelor’s degree in divinity at Christian Leader’s Institute and plans to continue her work in ministry. Latorria believes that through her pain and sorrow, God has prepared her to share His word with others in a way that was made just for her. She allows her testimony to serve as an example of how God can turn a negative experience into something positive.