They say your store is the first impression you leave on your clients. But, today it is all about more than your store, there is a spotlight on your website. If it catches their eye, then you’ve got them intrigued to actually perhaps visit your offline store or make a purchase online. Either way, you’ve made a sale that helps you in the long run.

Take the following into consideration in this chase for sales.

Design to Retain

You would think that most people tend to perform several tasks at the same time, while in reality people actually just jump from one task to the next. They tend to recollect less of the last task than the next that defeats your goal. To attain it, you must design to discourage them from shifting their focus away from your website.

Also, note to make sure your user focuses on one single task on your website at a time rather than four at a time or so on. The layout of the website must be sequenced suitably i.e content and graphics without any sort of disruptions. Especially on the main landing pages of the website like the registration page, check out page, and product or service listing page.

Get to the point

The length of the sentences makes a major impact on your users. While preparing your website, you must note to keep sentences short i.e. to the point. To be more reader-friendly keep the character length between 45 and 72 characters.

Color Choice is Key

As we do in life we pair colors to compliment each other, it is recommended to do the same with website design. You would design the website based on the brand colors, but the key is to pair colors that are not hard on the user’s eyes as colors like red and green would be. They jump out straining your visitors’ eyes.

Here’s a special trip, when picking colors for the website design, choose a pastel background from the HSV color space, that has high value and low saturation. This color family is often referred to as “calming”.

Bundle Messages Appropriately

Never leave clusters of messages on the website. You must break them down across the website.

One of the effective ways is to use bullet points wherever possible.Additionally, try to use a lot of pictures making it easier for users to understand your website’s message better.

Choose your Font Wisely

Make sure to always use reader-friendly fonts. The shape and size of the font will make a big difference to the overall website. Also, remember to use font sizes between 14 to 16, as it makes for an easy read for mobile users.

Categorize Information

Based on human brain science, humans can remember 4 or perhaps 3 things at a time and only up to 20 seconds before it disappears into the vault of the subconscious mind. The best way to beat this is to club your brand’s product or service information into groups of 3’s or 4’s, especially in the navigation bar section.

There you go! Here are a few ways that can generate sales as well as change the way your brand or service is viewed by the world. We do also recommend you consider hiring a web design company in dubai to help to create as well as maintain it.

Our website design tips list is loosely inspired by the book “Neuro Web Design: What Makes Them Click?” by Suzan Weinschenk.

Author's Bio: 

Digital Content Creator