Have you ever watched a television program where the people on a beautiful boat are deep sea fishing? They are all decked out in “boat attire” with their white shorts and colorful shirts holding very long fishing poles. When someone gets a bite the pole dips down into the ocean and everyone cheers and yells, “You’ve got one”. And the excitement begins. Everyone focuses on that fish being reeled in to the boat.

Sometimes the fish gets away to the dismay of the fisherman and his companions. But when the fish stays on the hook it is all happiness and excitement and the work begins. Everyone on the boat is offering encouragement and is yelling to the person what to do. They yell things like, “pull harder, let him have his head, slacken the line, don’t pull on the line, hold on, pull harder”.

When the fish is finally brought into the boat—the celebration begins. All the hard work paid off when a big fish is brought onto the boat. Pictures are taken and everyone is cheering. Plans are made for the care of the fish and how they will get it home.

To me it always looked like a lot of fun and excitement to go deep sea fishing. So I booked a trip for the wide open seas. We drove to the coastal city and stayed overnight in a motel as we had to be on the boat early in the morning. It was not a large white beautiful boat I had seen on T.V. It was a very small boat as were the others around us.

On the shows I had seen the skies were a beautiful blue with a few fluffy clouds floating around. Well not today! The sky was deeply overcast with thick gray clouds and the ocean wasn’t calm with gentle waves.

The captain of the boat was trying to decide if he should even take the boat out. There were other boats going out so for whatever reason he decided we could go out for our deep sea adventure. This was to be a once in a life time adventure so I was happy we were going. Even though it was cold and the water was choppy.

The day turned out to be horrible. The swells of the ocean were so high we lost sight of the other boats on the water as we would plunge down into the ocean and then come back on top of a wave. I got desperately sea sick even though I had taken Dramamine pills before we left.

No one caught any fish that day and I was so grateful when after several hours we finally called it a day and went ashore even though for me it too was rolling around. But I have my memories of my once in a life time deep sea adventure.

To catch the excitement of organizing clutter it is a lot like deep sea fishing.

1. Set your goal on what you want to accomplish. (Declutter a room, organize magazines , organize a bathroom drawer etc).

2. Get the supplies you’ll need—bags for donating, trash and your BE basket. (Belongs Else ware stuff to go to another room when you’re finished in that room).

3. Share your plans and goals with your family so they can help you and cheer you on during your organizing journey.

4. Set your timer and only work for a set amount of time so you don’t get burnt out as organizing can be emotionally and physically challenging.

5. Take before and after photos and celebrate what you accomplish!

6. Make a plan to keep organized. Enlist the support of your family to help keep it organized.

7. Expect the unexpected. This way you won’t be discouraged and you will reach your goal of organizing clutter.

Organizing clutter is a journey, not a destination. By having a plan, working toward your goals and enlisting the support of others it is more fun and the results you see will be amazing.

Marilyn, a professional organizer and author is passionate about organizing for women and seniors in clearing clutter from their lives. Her book "Go Organize!" is now in major bookstores. Visit her website http://www.marilynbohn.com

Author's Bio: 

Marilyn Bohn is the owner of Get it Together Organizing, a business dedicated to developing practical organizing solutions that help individuals and business professionals live clutter-free and productive lives. She is the author of “Go Organize! Conquer Clutter in Three Simple Steps” and is an experienced, enthusiastic public speaker, a member of NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) and the author of hundreds of articles covering various organizing topics.

Marilyn takes the often stressful subject of organizing and breaks it down into a simple, easy to understand system. Her methods are both eye-opening and encouraging! She has a passion for helping others reach their personal goals and living a better, clutter-free life!

Marilyn invites you to discover her one-of-a-kind video workshops and organizing ideas at http://www.marilynbohn.com