It's the age old question that men have been asking for years. How can you attract more women? How can you go from the nice guy that ends up as a friend to being the guy that women want to date? Most men never really come up with the answer to this question. I can't tell you how many guys I know that are in relationships right now that suck, but they will never leave, simply because they don't know how to attract women.

Understanding and knowing how to attract women is NOT always about becoming a player or a ladies man. It's about giving yourself CHOICE. Learning how to become the in demand guy that always has options.

Here are three tips to help YOU become that guy:

1. Women want a man that acts like a man.You cannot be the kind of guy that is passive and submissive and expect to trigger a woman's attraction for you. You have to become the alpha male that she lusts after. The thing is, most men don't know what a real alpha male is. Instead, they become a JERK or worse and think this will make them more attractive to women. You don't have to.

2. You have to be able to talk to women.You don't want to have platonic conversations or talk in a way that is boring and bland. You have to add a little spice and a little flavor into the conversation to get her juices flowing and to make her feel excitement and passion for you.

3. You have to feel confident around women.This is one area that most men can improve on. If you do not hold yourself with real confidence around a woman, she will be able to "smell" it on you. An alpha male is confident and comfortable around women and this is why they are attracted to this type.

Any man can easily learn how to attract women. These three tips will give you a good start on becoming the kind of guy that women are attracted to.

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