The health and beauty of the hair can add confidence and character to a person’s image. However, when faced with problems like hair loss, our self-confidence and the security we always feel can disappear in a blink of an eye.

Fortunately, with the advancement in science and technology, we are given options on how to prevent hair loss and stimulate hair regrowth.

One of the most modern innovations in the hair loss treatment industry is the Leimo Personal Hair Laser, which is Leimo’s hair regrowth laser comb. It is designed to effectively and efficiently stop the progression of hair loss and promote hair regrowth with the use of low level laser therapy (LLLT) and light emitting diode therapy (LEDT).

How to use Leimo hair regrowth laser comb or the Leimo Personal Hair Laser:

Before we go to the step-by-step process on how to use Leimo hair regrowth laser comb, let’s take a closer look at the principle governing this laser hair loss treatment.

The Leimo Personal Hair Laser helps bring back your lost hair by rejuvenating and restoring lifeless strands to its former splendor. It is geared towards stimulating the hair follicles by using LLLT and LEDT.

LLLT in the process of photo-bio-stimulation acts as an agent in growing new, thick, well-pigmented and healthy strands. It also energises the tissues and living cells in the scalp, providing a healthy and well-conditioned environment for the optimum development of the hair follicles.

On the other hand, LEDT in the process of photo-bio-modulation helps revitalize the weakening hair follicles and cells in the scalp. It is also used to increase the speed, quality and tensile strength of tissue repair, resolve inflammation and relieve pains.

The step-by-step process on how to use Leimo hair regrowth laser comb:

• Press the oval silver button to switch on the laser comb or the Leimo Personal Hair Laser. Rest the laser comb (laser red light) on the scalp.

• After 5-20 seconds, move the laser comb 1cm to another part of the scalp until the whole scalp has received the laser treatment.

• Once the whole scalp area has been covered, return the laser comb to the charging cradle. Remember to keep the laser in the cradle when not in use. The cradle should be ON at all times to maintain battery life and to keep the laser charged. You also need to check if the light indicator is red, which signals that the laser comb is being charged. The light will turn green, indicating that the laser is fully charged.

• A safety feature of the Leimo laser comb or the Leimo Personal Hair Laser is that it will automatically turn OFF 10 minutes after being switched ON. There is no need to extend beyond the 10-minute application unless you missed a treatment. If you missed a session, then add 10 minutes to your next treatment. Remember, a total of 70 minutes of treatment is recommended each week.

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