Masturbation is actually a normal phenomenon among many young male friends. In general, moderate masturbation can indeed relieve a man's physical needs. However, excessive masturbation can lead to premature ejaculation in men, making them seriously anxious and depressed. Therefore, how to solve premature ejaculation caused by excessive masturbation in men?

Doctors suggest that for premature ejaculation caused by male masturbation, first of all, male friends must control the masturbation. It takes a lot of self-control and perseverance in most cases. And you still need to go to the hospital for a physical check-up so that you can better solve the problem of premature ejaculation with better options.

Secondly, premature ejaculation caused by prolonged masturbation can be treated with psychotherapy. In clinical practice, many adult men have mental stress and other physiological burden in their life, which also make them unable to fully enjoy the sexual life.

Therefore, male patients should have a correct understanding of sexual physiology and psychology , correctly understand the long-term impact of masturbation on their body and mind, and reduce excessive fear and anxiety due to masturbation.

In daily life, for many young male friends with excessive sexual impulse, it is necessary to reduce sexual stimulation as soon as possible, and do not often read books and watch videos with pornographic or sexual content. They should watch healthy books and inspirational movies to help them distract and relax themselves.

At the same time, patients with premature ejaculation should also strengthen physical exercise to enhance physical fitness. In daily life, male patients can take part in some cultural and sports activities that are conducive to physical and mental health, and actively participate in physical exercise , such as exercising in the gym, regulating their mood and strengthening their physique. These all help prevent premature ejaculation.

In addition, if you find that the problem caused by excessive masturbation is very serious, such as leading to prostatitis or other urogenital problems, it is commonly recommended to go to the hospital for treatment. After all, doctors are professionals and can solve problems quickly and directly. And usually, a herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is a suitable option for males with prostatitis or other urogenital disorders, which has a great effect on eliminating inflammation and produces no side effect.

So you don't have to worry too much, just relax and face it positively. Timely treatment can avoid the trouble of premature ejaculation and other diseases. And always keep positive, you will be better soon.

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