If you are reading this article and have a good idea about what you would like to write about, then you definitely do have what it takes to get published. eBooks are very different to hard back books and are easier to write and much easier to get published. Learning about how to get your eBook completed and online is simple, I have completed one book myself with minimal fuss and stress. I want to say that I am not at all technical, so if I can do it anyone can!

eBooks are designed to be downloaded or read online. As there is no physical book you can be your own publisher. You can either look for a company that can help you with the technical aspects, or look for options to do it for free, which is a great way to get started without incurring any costs.

An eBook has another major advantage over a standard book. Since your readers will be enjoying your book online, you can actually embed links into the text that can take readers to your website, blog, sales page or general material on the topic. Links to general information sites on the web are also a good option since it provides a more comprehensive picture for the reader about what you are describing. The type of book and the topic you select will determine which types of links are most relevant for your readers.

Selecting Your Audience

Just as with traditional books , eBooks should be written with a specific target audience in mind. This is the group that you believe will be most interested in reading your eBook. Here are a few criteria to help determine who your target audience is:

• Is the purpose of your eBook entertainment, inspiration , motivation or education?
• Is the eBook for readers of a particular age or stage of life?
• What gender and lifestyle will the book appeal to?
• What issues or concerns of the readers does the book address?
• What do they like to do?
• Where do they spend their leisure time?
• How much money do they have?
• Are they married, single or co-habiting?
• And so on.

People read books and eBooks for a variety of reasons. Generally most readers are looking for education, inspiration or entertainment. As the writer you must focus your book on one or those aspects, and be sure to let readers know how the book will be of benefit to them. Articulating how your book will enhance the reader's life is a key element in both writing and marketing your book.

Different styles of eBooks

eBooks can be fiction or non-fiction, but the majority are more likely to be informative and educational, focusing on a specific topic or area. If you are writing an informative eBook there are some important factors to take into consideration. The first is to provide examples of how, by following the advice that you provide, success is achieved. This could be a personal example or using anecdotes from people that have used the information you are providing to improve their lives.

Breaking the book down into manageable sections is another important consideration. Each chapter should provide the reader with one complete concept or idea. Self-help or do it yourself books need to be developed with a logical sequence in mind, building on information from proceeding chapters.

Pictures, illustrations and links to video websites providing actual demonstrations are essential in many eBooks. This helps to provide a clear understanding for the reader whilst also providing variation from the written word. Avoid being too wordy and focus on the interests, reading level and comprehension of the target audience. Define technical terms and make no assumptions that the readers have prior knowledge which is essential for understanding what you are writing about.

My Personal Experience Writing An eBook

Writing my first eBook was a challenge for me, as I am not technically gifted. I chose an area that interested me, self-discovery and healing, and compiled an eBook of information that I found helpful when I started my own journey. My goal in writing the book "How To Heal Chakra Imbalances" was to provide specific information to others also wishing to learn more about chakra balancing.

The book was divided into seven chapters, one for each chakra. I was able to find an artist online and made a donation to use his artwork within my eBook. Illustrations were definitely important in each of the chapters and added greatly to the visual appeal of the book.

Although originally written as a word document it was easy to convert to a PDF through a free program provided at cutepdf.com. Before doing the conversion, which just took a click of the mouse, I had a few different people review my work for clarity, grammar and spelling as well as for overall reader interest. I did make small changes based on their recommendations, then felt comfortable with moving forward with publication.

I was able to find a company that would provide options for 3D pictures to promote the book as well as publish the eBook itself.

The last step in the process was to actually get my eBook online. Since I knew that I would want to have other products and eBooks to sell I chose to use ejunkie.com to host the book since they have no bandwidth restrictions. They also let you sell virtually anything else online using their system, all for the inexpensive price of about $5.00 per month. The website manages all the technical aspects including the shopping cart and all the buttons to make the purchase. Of course having a great help desk really added to my confidence. They will promote your materials once you have them listed on their site as well, which was the icing on the cake for me.

Getting started with your eBook should not seem daunting, or overwhelming. Remember to take things one step at a time and look for low cost options when writing and publishing your first eBook. Once you have completed one eBook you will find, as I did, that the next one is even easier. Marketing through Twitter, FaceBook and your own website or blog will help promote your book. Other websites to consider include Smashwords, Clickbank, Kindle, Tradebit and eBookMall, all good options for your first or subsequent eBook offering. All you need to do is to start and you will find that there really is a writer inside you just waiting to be published!

Written by Caroline Nettle.

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Author's Bio: 

Caroline Nettle is passionate about healing, recovery, and assisting others to grow. Her website Spiritual Growth Tools is the culmination of many years of seeking answers about her own health and well-being, and studying the human condition. She writes articles, is a healer and gives talks about subjects relating to spiritual growth and personal development.
She is an avid reader and researcher and on her international travels, she came across many weird and wonderful ways to make the human experience more enjoyable. Some of them seemed a little comical, and some of them downright strange, but some of them had a profound effect on her health and well-being, and they inspired her to want to create Spiritual Growth Tools, so that she could share what she learned.
Spiritual Growth Tools is an online resources dedicated to spiritual growth and personal development. It aims to provide resources and information to assist others on their journey to inner peace, vitality, and a happier, healthier lifestyle!
Spiritual Growth Tools on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/spiritualgrowthtools