Unfortunately, in the Western world, everything is good or bad, positive or negative, right or wrong. Despite the capacity, our brains seemed to have limited bandwidth. So we stuff virtually all-incoming information into two little compartments that take up only 10% of the brain. So everything that we feel is wrong, gets filed into the wrong compartment, and everything that we feel is right, gets filed into the right compartment. This is how we approach our relationships, workdays, and even our blogs. But I am here to help you kick this dualistic habit. I want you to understand that there are no concrete principles to blogging. In fact, most techniques or strategies probably fit into the grey category.

Right Category

In fact, many people fail in business or in blogging because they have mixed feelings. Some people feel that commercializing their blog is dirty, evil, and sleazy. They feel like asking for donations is like soliciting a john or turning a trick. This is the wrong mindset. If you are a blogger, you give over 99.9% of your information away for free! People have a choice, they can click on ads, buy your products, leave your website, or enjoy your content. That’s the great thing about the Internet. It gives people choices.

Bad Category

It is not right to take on a massive ego, and to start engaging in marketing practices that are as unethical as Tony Soprano. You don’t need to bomb people’s email inboxes with spam. You don’t need to shove webinars and e-courses down people’s throat. You don’t need to cheat and lie to sell products. All of these things come back to bite you in the ass. Remember, when it comes to blogging, marketing, and branding, an infamous reputation is one that you don’t want to have.

Right Category

Okay, we get it! Content is king. We hear all of the marketers and bloggers beating up our eardrums on how we have to focus on content. However, I can tell you one thing. Content may be king, but it could easily be dethroned by procrastination.Stop trying to write like Shakespeare. It is literally impossible. Besides, there is only one of him. Also, it puts you under a great deal of stress and pressure. Soon, you’ll be as immobile as an invalid. You will be afraid to write one sentence, out of fear of criticisms or bad feedback. Here is some good advice about good content. Be yourself. Write your blog like you’re talking to your best friend. Take the pressure off and you will begin to see your personality shine through. Just being yourself is all the great content that you need.

Bad Category

A common misconception is that blogging is easy. Getting started with blogging is easy. All you have to do is press a couple of buttons. However, understanding the widgets, plugins, SEO, and themes is quite difficult. It is difficult because being a great marketer is really about strategy. It’s a balancing act between having great content, valuable products, ads, promotions, and sincerity. This is incredibly difficult to do. The best thing to do when you are just getting started is to hire a consultant or mentor, which can be very expensive. Or you can learn from one of the greatest bloggers around, John Chow. He has great programs that will help you jump-start your blog, without the hiccups and missteps that so many new bloggers go through.

Right Category

People feel that they need to blog everyday. This is complete baloney. I am sure that there are a great deal of people who blog everyday, or blog every three days and do very well. And they will reiterate that their secret sauce to success is consistency. But just remember one thing, most bloggers don’t make squat. They write consistently and they don’t have much to show for their efforts. You don’t want to be like them. There is nothing worse than working hard and having nothing to show for it.

Instead, work your ass off for a week. Write ten articles, fifteen articles, start a fresh product, make a few videos, but do it with excitement and zeal. By doing this, you’ll have more passion because the product will be new and fresh. And trust me your passion and enthusiasm will shine through. Besides, it is not about the quantity, but the quality. Then, relax for a couple of days and recharge your batteries. Then start the whole process all over again. Stop stressing out over being disciplined. It is like romance, it never lasts.

Bad Category

Blogging is not cheap. You could spend hours upon hours every week writing articles, getting back links, posting on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Your time is not cheap. Stop doing little meaningless task that a monkey can do. I know what your thinking? You are thinking that you are just starting, and you can’t afford to hire or outsource any of your work. Well can you afford five dollars? You will be amazed what you can get on Fiverr.com. You can have people do jobs for less than minimum wage (omg is that legal?) Let other people do the grunt work. You just need to focus on creating value and letting your personality shine through.

Grey Category

So, I presented you with a brief list of what is right or wrong. If you feel that you need to be a control freak and micromanage every aspect of your blog, then you are wrong. The chances of your blog failing, and you running out of steam are very high. Get it right. Learn from the masters and cut your learning curb in half. Besides, the faster you learn, the easier it will be to make money.

Author's Bio: 

I’ve written hundreds of articles on self-development, spirituality, inspiration, and relationships. Check out my blog www.alternativevibrations.com to get additional tips, coaching, and guidance. Don’t forget to purchase blogging with John Chow. It will really change your life.