It’s a fact that you simply can’t deny anymore. You’re exhausted, overworked and can’t face another 12 hour day accompanied by a sleepless night. Upset is a mild way of describing how your partner feels with you working late through another night and your kids — well, they don’t even remember what you look like. You need help, dude!

But, you already know that. Your mastermind group has been telling you for months. Finally, you’re hearing their message loud and clear. Now what? Where should you even start?

My suggestion: Start with a deep breath and firm pat on the back. Making the decision to bring help into your business is one that takes a lot of courage. For some, this is the first time you are acknowledging your business growth and though it excites you, it’s also a little intimidating to step out and start playing a bigger game. Getting help opens up a lot of interesting, yet unknown possibilities…that doesn’t mean your candidate search needs to leave you dizzy.

Here are 3 steps to get you moving in the right direction and ensure that you find a superstar to fill your needs:

Step #1: Focus in on the Skills that Excite!

Get clear about what you want by writing a list of everything you are currently handling. Once you have a fully inclusive list, put an “x” next to the things that can’t be delegated or you want to keep. Break your list into tasks and responsibilities, categorizing them by needed skills to perform the job. For example, if you need someone who will be making lots of phone calls, you will be looking for someone with a good phone voice and a customer service background.

Define the personality traits and methodology (aka “how they get things done”) your looking for such as “a trustworthy and dedicated professional that’s passionate about your industry and has no problem initiating proactive solutions.” Write open ended interview questions that illustrate a candidates affinity toward your desired traits.

Step #2: Write a Killer “Help Wanted” Ad that Draws in your Ideal Candidate

The #1 mistake I see business owners make over and over is posting a generic job description and hoping for the best. The second mistake they make is hiring the first warm body they come across. They then toss them into the fray and cross their fingers that everything pans out. You smell that? It’s smells like a total disaster.

Marie Forleo shares a great video titled: How to Grow Your Business Without Working More and she offers the below ad as a method for attracting superstar candidates.

"WANTED: Passionate Vegetarian Cooks To Spread Happiness In The Netherlands

Are you wild about organic, vegetarian food? Does the sound of harvesting fresh vegetables and creating mouthwatering, healthy recipes sound like a dream? Then you may have stumbled upon the job opportunity of a lifetime. Here’s why.We’re a fast growing vegetarian and organic catering service in the Netherlands and we’re looking for a few ambitious, like-minded, client-focused superstars to add to our culinary team.

If you’ve ever dreamed about what it would be like to be a part of a movement that will change the way our country eats, one delicious organic bite at a time, then reach out now.

Warning: we are an uber committed company. If you’re just looking for any old job or a little extra cash, this isn’t right for you (no personal drama or lazy people, please).

If you want to be a part of a creative, fast-paced environment that will bring out your best, you may be exactly who we’re looking for. Go here and fill out our online application and tell us who you are and why you’re perfect to join us. We’ll be reaching out to ideal candidates within the next week."

The best part of this ad is that it’s written in a way that the language naturally calls out to the ideal candidate which is exactly what you want.

Step #3: Design an Atmosphere of Success

Congratulations! You’ve found the perfect person for the position and you’re getting geared up for the first day. But, after putting in so much hard work you want to make sure that you do everything you can to help your new hire succeed. Yep! You heard me right. YOU have a role to play to ensure this relationship is fruitful. Create an operational manual which serves as a behind-the-scenes guide to completing the tasks you want the to perform.

Set yourself up for success by documenting your systems and processes. In reality, emergencies will come up and turnover is just a fact of doing business. Never get left at the alter without a game plan for saving face and making the best of a inconvenient situation. Save yourself time, energy and frustration by capturing all the steps they take in order to offer this information to a replacement. Imagine your relief in not having to recreate the wheel every time you fire someone new to your team.

(Side note: Before you pay anyone a dime, make sure you know what type of working relationship you are in. Is this person your employee or an independent contractor? The regulations for paying is vastly different and your concerns should be addressed with your attorney or accountant.)

Happy Hunting!

Author's Bio: 

Tylesha Juliano, the Simplicity Strategist & Founder of Sprout Productive, is charismatic and down-to-earth in her approach to empowering women to discover their appetite for business + life! Her brand, Deliciously Irresistible Living ™, illustrates a step-by-step recipe that leverages open space for living a lifestyle that leaves you full and satisfied. Pulling from her experience as a serial entrepreneur and more than 15+ years of administrative support wisdom, Tylesha uses hands-on methods to teach you the actionable and life changing systems she used to recover from business burnout and start generating tangible results daily.