We all want healthy tresses that we can be proud of - and we don't want to have to slick on a bunch of treatments and oils to "fake" healthy, shiny hair. No matter how quick the fix claims to be, spending a lot of money on hair products is not the only solution for a healthy scalp nor is it the most affordable. So, how do you get healthy hair? Now, this will not happen over night, but following certain regimens, and even looking to something as simple as your diet - as well as not overdoing styling, and over time the hair will become shiny and healthy. Just follow these tips below for a healthy head of hair that is shiny and healthy:

Tip #1: Do a cold rinse after conditioningAfter letting your conditioner set in for a couple minutes, turn the faucet to "C" and rinse with cold water. This closes the cuticle, making the hair shiny and soft.

Tip #2: Get regular trimsHeading to the salon every once and awhile for a maintenance trim is important to keeping your locks looking healthy and shiny. With all the styling and heat-stress we put on our tresses, the ends tend to get dry, brittle and sometimes break off. Getting regular trims will ensure healthy ends and that when the hair does grow out, it's growing out healthy.

Tip #3: Use an oil-based shampooAn oil-based shampoo will get rid of all the build-up from the styling products we use on a daily basis - and it will do it without stripping the hair or making it dry. So many shampoos tend to strip while it cleans - and oil based shampoo conditions and gets rid of all the products we put on our locks such as sprays and mousses.

Tip #4: Eat rightMake sure you are eating right and not skipping out on important and vital vitamins and nutrients that are crucial for a healthy scalp. If you are not eating enough protein, or are lacking in certain vitamins, this can sometimes affect the health of your tresses - and sometimes, if the deficiencies become severe enough, can even make it thin or fall out.

Tip #5: Skip a shampooSkip a shampoo or two to not dry out the scalp so much. Constantly washing everyday can strip the hair of the natural oils that it needs to create shine and look healthy.

Tip #6: Air dry your tressesAvoid blowdrying after a shower for as long as possible. When you let it airdry, it cuts off the blowdrying time which means it cuts the time for damage.

Tip #7: Ask your stylist for a gloss
For those who dye their hair, ask your stylist if they have a gloss to add to the dye to boost the color and add extra shine. A gloss can add shine without altering the color.

Tip #8: VitaminsTake a multi-vitamin to keep yourself healthy, and your hair. Vitamin E and Biotin are great vitamins, as well as prenatal vitamins (you don't need to be pregnant to take these!).

Author's Bio: 

We are a Los Angeles Hair Transplant Clinic dedicated to hair restoration and hair loss prevention in Beverly Hills, California.