To be able to be in touch with your inner coach, i.e. your positive self, is one of the most important lessons you can learn in life. This is especially true if you want to be able to take charge of your mind and control negative thoughts patterns.

Your mind is a continuous metropolis of emotion. Your brain takes in about two million bits of information a second. You are at this moment processing all kinds of different sort of information some of which is important and some that 's not. At this moment your brain is taking the information that it receives from all of your five senses, seeing, hearing, feeling, smell and taste. It has then to interpret the information it receives so you can understand the world around you. The funny thing is that most of the information that you receive is not registered by you consciously, but is filtered down to the unconscious mind. The reason being is that if you were aware of so much information coming in at the same time you would go mad. Most traumatic experiences are usually filtered into the unconscious and forgotten, until such a time that you are more able to deal with them. Then you will have flash back, this is you unconscious telling you that it is time to seek help.

It is a good thing that you have the option of being able to get in touch with your unconscious mind to change your record of any traumatic events. Many therapeutic intervention involves getting you to re-frame an event. Re-framing is just looking at a situation from another point of view. Similar to getting a pessimist to see the half empty glass as a half full one. Remember If you have had a negative upbringing or have ever had a traumatic experience then remember that there are other ways you could see the situation should you be trying to overcome that experience.

Some people and children naturally bounce back from bad experiences with their self-worth in one piece. If you do need assistance of getting your self-worth back now you're an adult, seeing a therapist can help immensely. The way you see your experiences of life influences the inner voice that you here every now and again. Remember the inner voice doesn't just appear as some sort of sound in your head it can also manifest as a feeling or in your dreams with an answer to your problems. As well as having an inner coach you also have and inner critic.

Have you felt that you would like to try something different but were too scared because you were under the opinion that you would not be good enough? This feeling of being inadequate is your inner critic at work doing its usual thing of keeping you back and filling you full of fear by putting you down. The inner critic is the bit of you that takes no chances in life. If you let the inner critic rule your life you will never ask that attractive person out on a date, or ask your boss for a pay rise, or have the guts to start your own business. If you don't have a can do kind of attitude more than can't do attitude then you need to cultivate the inner coach to make a positive change.

Make up your mind what you would prefer to have, an inner coach or an inner critic? Your inner coach is productive and empowering while your inner critic is damaging and subservient. of course you do need to be able to critique your attitude and behaviour in a productive way, but the thing is so many people end up by putting themselves down. Ask almost anyone how their doing and they nearly all will come back with the words, "I'm getting there." They never tell you were they are getting.

One of the best ways to get in touch with your inner coach is by imagining or thinking about something relaxing it could be a nice beach or a warm bed anything that relaxes you. Take a few minutes to imagine it, and you'll switch into a calmer physical state be aware of any positive feelings you may have. If you have any problems that need solving well, this is the time to ask your inner coach. The answer might come in a dream or from an intuitive feeling. Keep a positive attitude. Good luck!

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About the Author:

Dion Daly is a certified trainer in hypnosis, a master practitioner in NLP and TLT. He also has a degree in metaphysics.

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