Investing in real estate is one of the safest ways to make money on your savings or discretionary income. While the stock market can be volatile, and starting a company is often uncertain, people will always need homes to live in and property for business interests. There are several types of property to think about as an investment option.


Flipping a house is a common investment strategy for people with limited funds or time. You can buy a property at a price below market value and fix it up. This might involve remodeling or renovation depending on the home's condition. Or it might just need some cosmetic TLC to breathe new life into its boards and beams. When the home rises in value, the owner will advertise it to attract buyers and then consider any purchase offers that are made. Although this can be a lucrative investment, it is important to calculate all the costs involved, such as utilities, tax, and insurance as well as the repair labor and materials before anticipating the return on your investment.


A real estate investment trust, or REIT, offers shares in one or more income-generating properties, typically rentals or leased properties, that generate profit over time. This option is often considered relatively safe, and the investor is not required to do any of the work, such as collecting rents or making repairs. The key to a successful investment is to choose a REIT that you can monitor even at a distance if necessary. When choosing a REIT, be sure to ask about any hidden fees, which is one of the potential pitfalls of this type of venture.


A simple buy-and-hold strategy can work when buying undeveloped land in a promising location. If you can afford property taxes and don't mind waiting a few years until the area begins to attract home builders, you might be able to earn a decent profit. Work with a real estate agent to discuss property zoning and municipal plans for areas of interest. You might want to put in utility services by ensuring water availability and electric access to enhance your property's value to prospective buyers.


Owning and leasing a commercial building or a shopping complex can generate substantial passive income. Check the history of any commercial properties you are thinking about buying to see if the tenants stay for several years or if there is a high turnover. Check the condition of the property to determine the cost of maintenance as well as repairs or updates.

Your real estate agent will be a valuable resource to you during this process. In addition to helping you find properties and deals, they have knowledge of the area. Your agent can give you information about which areas are growing and which likely will be soon. They can also help you narrow down the type of real estate investment that will work best for you. Talk to a real estate agent in the area you’re considering, like those at Thomas J. Real Estate , when you begin your investment journey.

Real estate investing is an exciting and profitable way to earn income or generate profits. Give some thought to the type of property you would like to own and manage to find the best fit for your budget, skills, and plans.

Author's Bio: 

Anita is a freelance writer from Denver, CO. She studied at Colorado State University and now enjoys writing about health, business, and family. A mother of two wonderful children, she loves traveling with her family whenever she isn’t writing. You can find her on Twitter @anitaginsburg.