It may seem obvious to just ask a bunch of your buddies to be your groomsmen much more complicated than it should be. . And it can be that simple a process if you want.

Keep in mind that there are responsibilities for the groomsmen and if some of them are not the most reliable, then it may make your perfect wedding.

Then there is the case where maybe you don’t have a lot of close friends or, your fiance wants some of her side of the family to be involved. Things get a bit complicated in those scenarios, so you’ll need some help choosing.

In this article, we’ll go over some of the things you should keep in mind when choosing your groomsmen.

Choose a number

There’s no right or wrong number of guys who can be part of your wedding entourage. But, you should think carefully about how many you want there to be. Not least of which so you know how many gifts to get them from a Groomshop

Since groomsmen can also be called upon to be sort of like ushers at the ceremony, the number of guests may factor into how many guys you need.

A good rule of thumb is that you have one for every 50 guests or so. If you have a small wedding with less than 50 guests, then maybe four or five is a good number.

Think about family and not just friends

Do you have a cousin you used to be really tight with that you don’t see as often as you like? A great way to bring that familial bond back is to include him in your group of groomsmen.

Do you have a friend you love to death but can’t be relied upon, then gently let him know he isn’t in the wedding party. Or, ask him anyway but make sure you have enough guys that are responsible and on time to make sure things go smoothly.

And, these days groomsmen can also include ladies. If you have a special female friend or relative, she doesn’t automatically stand with the bride’s side. Ask her and throw convention out the window .

Think of group dynamic

Do you have some friends that have a rough history together and may not be thrilled to be thrust upon each other in your wedding party? Then you may have to make some tough decisions as to whether you ask one, both or neither because of it.

Some guys also have personalities that just don’t jibe much. Make sure there is going to be a spirit of cooperation from all the guys and that they know how to work together to make this an unforgettable day for the right reasons and not because you chose your groomsmen poorly.


It may seem like a lot to think about for a part of the wedding planning that isn’t usually considered of high importance. But, getting this right will go a long way to having a great day and a moment that you can continue to bond over for years to come.

Author's Bio: 

Eric is the owner of Every Body's Personal Trainer