Obesity has long been strongly linked to various diseases, ranging from the famous cardiovascular diseases to gestational diabetes, cancer, and so on. Today, obesity is now a thing of concern for both men and women; being fed up about being obsessed is one thing, and knowing how to lose weight properly is another. That is why the use of a weight loss calculator is important.

So many people out there are so desperate to lose weight that they just jump into weight loss exercises and diet plans and still end up the same.

It is good to follow a weight loss regimen, but the use of a weight loss calculator will help you workout and diet perfectly. You will get a balanced result between losing too much weight and losing too little. In addition to this, with a weight loss calculator, all you have to do is eat in accordance to your required daily caloric intake – there are no restrictions; you can eat what you like, so long as it does not exceed you daily caloric needs.

Here are few tips to help you draw up a healthy weight loss regimen, because you will certainly need it, if you wish to use a weight loss calculator and most importantly, if you truly wish to rip off those fats

Good Eating Habits – Your being obese in the first place was partly caused by your “unhealthy” eating habit, so I see no reason why you have to continue with such eating habits, like consuming too much sugar, eating junks and so on. A healthy diet is one of the keys to rapid weight loss; try to spread out the amount of fats you consume daily on all the meals you would be eating for the day; in other words, do not consume too much fat in one meal. If possible, find out more about diets for obesity and draft one out for yourself.

Working Out- Working out is another way to cut down excess weight; as a matter of fact, over 75 per cent of obese individuals were able to cut down a reasonable amount of fat successfully by simply working out. Try walking out for at least 45 minutes daily. If possible, get a partner just to add fun and also to boost your motivation .

Snacking – for all that is fit and not obese, I will advise you to stay away from the habit of eating junk foods and other road side snacks, if you are so used to this habit already; try replacing the urge to eat snacks with something else. Green tea, nuts, fruits, and so on are all excellent choices, if you ask me.

Don’t Forget to Have Fun – just because you are obese and also live in an obesity -tormented world does not mean that you cannot have fun and do things that other people do. A lot of people are so desperate to lose weight that they take the desperation into their weight loss regimen. Having fun is one of the secrets to a successful loss of weight. It will take away boredom and motivate you to keep up with your exercise and diets no matter how difficult it is. In addition, it will make you interested in trying other weight loss programs especially if the current one isn’t working for you.

Drink Iced Water – Specifically, you need to drink iced water because your body will burn more than 100 calories just to heat the iced water to the normal body temperature. Also, water will help quench hunger pangs; therefore helping your body metabolize stored fat and reducing your appetite.Calorie Burning Foods – make sure you incorporate these types of foods into your diets as they will help increase your body's calorie burning capacity. Green tea will help you burn a massive amount of 80 calories in just one day. It contains antioxidant catechins that burn fats and boost metabolism. Calorie burning foods will help you store less fat and burn stored fats.

It is not at all safe to start a weight loss program without taking your statistics, by statistics I mean, your height, weight, age, and how active you are. This will go a long way to guide you in losing weight healthily and ensuring that you have a weight that is appropriate for your height and age.

Getting a weight loss calculator will not cost you a fortune, some of them are sold as an application on phones and others can be worn like a wrist watch or kept in purses. In addition to that, there various sites online that provide free online weight loss calculators, all you have to do is type in you statistics and the calculator will do the calculations. Lastly, make sure you meet your dietician and follow his instructions diligently.

Author's Bio: 

Angel E. Murray owns www.myweightlossinstructor.com where she constantly dishes out proven methods that burn fats as well as amazing tips about Fat Burning Exercises For Women . She also gives a FREE guide on her website titled: how to burn excess fat in 3 weeks