Nail plays a significant role in maintaining the health of fingers and toes. If left unconsidered, nails may become too soft or brittle in nature. Lifestyle is one among the important factors influencing the health of nails. In order to maintain nails under good health condition, it is recommended to include a good amount of protein and calcium rich food items in diet . Some among the best recommended food sources with high calcium concentration include milk, cheese, salmon, spinach and egg.

Apart from improving nail strength, use of calcium rich foods improves nerve stimulation, alleviate mood swings, and reduce food cravings. Including protein rich food sources in diet promotes the overall health and growth of person. Oatmeal, egg, spinach and lettuce are some best suggested food items with high concentration of protein. At present there are lots of products available in market for improving nail health. Following herbal remedies gives you desired result without inducing any adverse action on user.

Olive oil is a best recommended home remedy for treating nail problems. This nail care nourishes body cells and improves the strength of nails naturally. Apart from improving the strength of nails, applying olive oil is a perfect option for getting young looking glowing nails. Similar to olive oil, lemon juice is another safe home remedy for treating nail problems. This nail care removes stains and keeps your nail healthy. Beautiful, strong and shining nail is a dream for all. Soaking fingertip in lemon juice is an effective nail care treatment suggested for attaining this goal. As per research, vitamin D deficiency is a common cause reported for the formation of nail problems. In order to relieve this trouble, it is recommended to include a good amount of beet root in diet schedule.

Intake of soaked raisins is a safe nail care tip recommended by health practitioners. Iron content enriched in soaked raisins maintains the natural beauty of nails by restoring its pink colour. Almond oil, enriched with nutrients is another home remedy for nail problems. This natural oil is found to be as a composition of vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin B6. It moisturizes the applied area and prevents the risk of dryness problems. Minimizing free radical mechanism is one among the main advantages of using almond oil. Antioxidant property enriched in almond oil delays aging impact and promotes the regeneration of new cells.

Soaking nail in warm water added with baking soda is an effective home remedy for nail problems. At present, this nail care tip is a best recommended solution for preventing fungal infection. In order to attain maximum result, it is advised to apply baking soda in conjunction with herbal oils like sage oil, base oil and tea tree oil. This treatment promotes regeneration of body cells and keeps nail healthy. Consuming vitamin E supplement is another nail care tip recommended by health practitioners. It softens cuticle and prevents the risk of brittle nails. Almonds, dried apricots and peanuts are some among the food sources enriched with vitamin E level.

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Read about Home Remedies for Nail Fungus . Also know effective Home Remedies for Itching .