Dark underarms are not really a serious health issue that one needs to be worried about. However, they are definitely a cause of embarrassment and inferiority complex, when you are wearing sleeveless clothes. Many times you go for swimming or dancing, and you see other women have clean and flawless underarms, and you pray that you had those kinds of underarms too. But with no information on how to get rid of this problem, you just simply look at your dark underarms, get upset about them, and then stay quiet, doing nothing about them.

Luckily, there is an easy way out of this problem, only if you are willing to make a little dedicated effort. There are some great, tried and tested home remedies that many women have been using for a very long time to get rid of their problem of dark underarms.

One of the most basic techniques that you can use to lighten your underarms is to apply lemon juice frequently. It helps in reducing the darkening, and if you apply it 2-3 times a week, you will see the results in 2 weeks itself. Make sure you leave the juice for at least 20 minutes before washing it off. Alternately, you can use a mix of lemon juice and honey, which is also very good.

Some people also suggest that grated potato should be applied to dark underarms. It works as a bleaching agent and reduces the darkening. Again, you need to apply it for at least 20-25 minutes before cleaning it.

Coconut oil and Vitamin E oil are also very good for getting rid of dark underarms. Apply either of these oils overnight, and you will see the results very soon.

Then you can also make a mix of turmeric powder, lime juice and cucumber juice, and apply it on your underarms for about 20 minutes. Do this 2 times a week, and within a month, you will start to see clean and lightened underarms.

It is essential to ensure that you do not use any cheap quality deodorants that can cause the darkening of the underarms. At the same time, your talcum powder should also be of very good quality. Many times, some hair removal creams can also cause the blackening, so it is advisable to use them only when it's mandatory, and not on a regular basis. Excessive sweating too is found to be one of the main reasons for dark underarms, so it is advisable to maintain a clean body at all times. Whenever possible, wipe off your underarms with water to make sure they remain clean during the day.

Get a good scrub for yourself and exfoliate your underarms every alternate day to make sure that all the dead skin goes away and fresh skin comes into place instead. However, make sure that your scrub is of a very good quality. For any products that you use, it is always advisable to take advice and consultation from an expert or a doctor.

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